Our AGM was held on Thursday last 3rd of December, 2015. The following officers were elected
Chairman - Liam Barry
Vicechairman - Mossie O'Sullivan
Secretary - Meeks Carr
Vice Secretary - Catherine Murphy
Treasurer - Eleanor Quirke
Vice Treasurer - Shirley Johnson
Camogie Secretary - Emma O' Regan
PRO - Valerie Culloty
East Cork Delegates - Eleanor Quirke & Valerie Culloty
County Delegates - Kathleen Kearney & Richie Regan
Cork Juvenile Camogie Delegate - Mossie O'Sullivan
Imokilly Camogie Delegate - Mossie O' Sullivan
Child Welfare Officer - Katie Kelleher
Registrar - Shirley Johnson
The following mentors were also elected
U8 - Anne Marie O'Donovan, Conor Mc Elvaney, Maria Barry
U10 - Pat Culloty, Niall Harte & Emma O'Regan
U12 - Irene O'Connell, Terry Broderick, Pat Barry, Mark O' Connell
U14 - Aidan Hayes, Terry Broderick, Corina Broderick
U16 - Martin O' Sullivan, Oliver O' Connor & Claire O' Flynn
Minor - Martin O'Sullivan, Oliver O'Connor & Claire O'Flynn
U21 - Meeks Carr, Betty Cahill
Junior Football - Shane O'Connor
Senior Football - Liam Barry
Next clothes collection is at Rathcormac Hall on Friday, January 1st, 7:30pm to 8pm.
Don’t forget you can stay in touch day to day with all the latest news on Twitter, @roversgaa, and on Facebook.