First Annual General Meeting 1930
The First Annual General Meeting of the Bride Rovers Club was held in 'the Hall' Bartlemy in February 1930 where "a large attendance testified to the growing interest in hurling in the district". The chairman Dan Barry N.T. presided and congratulated the members on their very successful years work. In his secretary's report Tom Barry N.T. "pointed out that the club had taken some very bold steps during the year by way of not alone arousing interest in their own matches, but of also affording their patrons an opportunity of witnessing hurling at its best between such famed wielders of the caman as St. Finbarr's and Carrigtwohill. They were also the pioneers of novices' sports under N.A. and C.A. rules in the county and the success of their efforts gave a strong fillip to this type of sports meeting, as was evidenced by the number of similar fixtures afterwards held in various parts of the county. They had also set on foot an inter-divisional tournament, for which they had already provided a valuable set of medals, and they hoped to have it completed before the end of the year. Their annual dance, which strictly conformed to the best traditions of a real Gaelic function, proved a huge success from every point of view.
Mr. J. Roche, treasurer, announced a substantial balance in hands. Officers were unanimously re-elected as follows: Mr. D. Barry, Chairman; Pat Foley, Vice-Chairman; T. Barry, Hon. Sec.; J. Leahy, Captain; E. Hoskins, Vice-Captain. Mr. J. Roche was strongly pressed to continue as treasurer, but was unable to accept the position. Mr. J. Fitzgerald was unanimously elected treasurer for the coming year. A committee was appointed to carry on the executive work for the year, and the necessity for hard training was stressed if further success is to be hoped for."