Richie O Regan {Chairman} Gerard Lane, Daniel Lane, Liam Barry. Pa O Driscoll, Aiden Dorgan, Billy Finnegan, Dave Burke, Damien Healy, Mark O Connell, Nevan Butler, Denis Ahern, Tom Kearney, John Arnold, Tom Mulcahy, Batt O Connell, Pat Culloty, Jim Purcell, Padraig Murphy,
Terms of Reference: Finalise plans for Aras de Barra with works to commence in the second half of 2021 to be ready for use in 2022. Explore further areas of development to enhance facilities.
Reporting: Report to monthly executive meetings
Denis Ahern {Chairman}. John Murphy, Tom Kearney, Richie O Regan, Pat O Connor, Tom Mulcahy, Paudie Murphy, Paudy Collins, James Murphy, Paddy Hynes, Mark O Connell, Nevan Butler, Billy Finnegan,James Bermingham.
Terms of Reference: Portakabin meeting room & kitchen to be fitted out in 2021. Reporting to Monthly club Executive meetings
Liaise with Fas workers, general upkeep of the playing pitches, grounds and surrounds.
Reporting: Report to Monthly club executive meetings
Aiden Dorgan {Chairman}. Brendan O’Driscoll, John Arnold, Gerard Lane, Richie O Regan Seamus Buckley, Daniel Lane, Liam Barry, Eddie O Callaghan, Liam Cahill, Michael Carey, Maurice Dooley, Mossie O Sullivan, Jerome O Driscoll, Paudie Murphy, James Murphy, Donal Roche, Alan Fitzgerald.
Terms of Reference: Ensure all arrangements are in place, field, dressing rooms, gate taken, scoreboard, stewarding etc. Reporting: Report as is necessary.
Liam Barry {Chairman} Gerard Lane Pat Culloty, Aiden Dorgan, Donal Roche, Ken O Riordan, Mark O’Connell, Nevan Butler, Charlie Scanlon, Nevan Butler, Maurice Dooley, William O Leary, Pa O Driscoll
Terms of Reference: Ensure club 100, Rebels Bounty & lotto are reaching their full potential. Initiate other fundraising activities if needed. Prepare and apply for various grants available to the club.
Reporting: Report to monthly executive meetings
Liam Barry {Chairman},Tom Mulcahy, Aiden Dorgan, Pat Noel O Connor ,Brendan O Driscoll, John Joe Carey, Janey O Driscoll, Pat O Connor ,Billy Finnegan.
Terms of Reference: Oversee the lotto draw on a weekly basis
Reporting: Report to monthly executive meetings
Jerome O Driscoll {Chairman}. Brian Murphy, Barry Hazelwood, Joe Delaney, Michael Carey, Stephen Glasgow, Rosario Hughes Kielty, Pat Walsh, Alan Fitzgerald.
Terms of reference: Put coaching structures in place & monitor all coaching activities. Liaise with both Schools with Children’s Officer to ensure all personnel are fully compliant….
Reporting: Report to monthly executive meetings
Club Secretary {Chair}, Club Chairperson, County & Divisional Board delegates, Juvenile Club, Senior Hurling Manager, Junior H & F Managers, U21 H & F Managers, Minor Hurling & Football Managers
Meet regularly during the playing season to ensure no clash of fixtures and plan ahead
Reporting: Report to monthly executive meetings during the playing season.
Child Protection Hearings Committee. Irene Hogan, Aoife O Regan & Lorraine Collins
Reporting: Not Applicable
DLP Officer Club Chairman Gerard Lane . chairperson.briderovers.cork@gaa.ie