On 7th December 1964 a meeting was held in Bartlemy Parish Hall "for
the purpose of re-organising the Bride Rovers Hurling & Football Clubs".
There was a good attendance from all sides of the Parish.
Fr Michael Ryan C.C. took charge of the election of Officers and
Committee.Those elected were:
President- Fr James Corbett P.P.
Vice President: Fr Michael Ryan C.C.
Chairman: Edmond Hoskins
Vice-Chairman: Patrick Mannix (Pictured)
Secretary: Donal O Liathain N.T.
Treasurer- Patrick O'Regan
Committee: Tom Heskin, Dave Ryan, Tony Walsh, Willie Cotter & Tony O'Brien
It was agreed more members should be added to the Committee later. The next meeting was held in Rathcormac Hall four nights later. Derry Gowen North Cork Board Chairman and County Board Representative attended and expressed his delight at the reformation of the Club and stressed the role of the G.A.A. Club in the community. This meeting decided tha Hurling and Football Clubs would both be known as Bride Rovers though affiliated separately. Dick Foley, Jim Murphy, Dave Hogan, Jimmy O'Brien and Johnny Barry were elected to the Club Committee. Tony Walsh, Dick Foley and Michael Murphy were appointed as Assistant Secretaries.
For the 1965 season B Grade Hurling and Football teams were to be entered. The Secretary was instructed to apply for transfer forms from the East Cork, County and Juvenile Boards.At the conclusion of the meeting, David John Barry proposed a vote a thanks to Derry Gowen, this was seconded by Fr Ryan. Two further meetings were held before Christmas, one in Bartlemy and one in Rathcormac and the main business of these meetings was fundraising and organising the Club.A membership fee of 5/- was proposed by Dave Ryan, seconded by Willie Cotter. A "45" Card Drive was arranged for Bartlemy Hall on January 17th with £15 in prize money. Cards were two shillings each. The Club picked blue and white as its playing colours and it was agreed to try and obtain the old jerseys of these colours which were used by the Bartlemy Club in the 1950's. The Minute Book of the time recorded that "having taken stock of the old jerseys, it was felt that a new set of blue and white ones should be bought in Cork". The Club was unable to get jerseys in blue and white, so the green, white and gold colours of the original Bride Rovers Club 'were reverted to. At a Club meeting in Bartlemy in January the treasurer Paddy Regan reported a profit of £37 from the "45" Drive. The cost of affiliation and insurance for the teams for the year was £4 15s. At the first meeting of the East Cork Board on February 7th, the transfer applications were read and the following transferred to Bride Rovers -