Bride Rovers are obliged to ensure that all adults involved in a role of responsibility such as coaching or managing an underage team, or adult teams that include underage players, are vetted by the National Vetting Bureau.
Vetting was established under the Code of Best Practice in Youth Sport, but is now a legal requirement. As of January 1st, 2018, no adult can be involved with an underage team, or an adult team involving underage players, unless they have been vetted.
The vetting process is done online. Log onto www.gaa.ie/news/vetting and follow the steps outlined on the webpage.
Step 1: Complete the GAA E-Vetting ID Form. This should then be handed or emailed to the Club Children’s Officer
A copy of photographic ID (Passport/Driving Licence) and a copy of address (P60/Payslip/Utility Bill) must accompany the ID Form. This will be returned to the applicant when the vetting process has been completed.
Step 2: Complete the online E-Vetting application form on the GAA website (see above). The photographic ID and copy of address must be attached to the application. Submit the form.
Step 3: The National Vetting Bureau will email you with the NVB Vetting Application form. You will be asked for all previous addresses, along with any convictions or prosecutions (if any). Once this is returned, the GAA will contact you (currently taking two weeks) with the outcome of the request. The Bride Rovers secretary will also be notified if you have been successful.
Rosario Kielty
Bride Rovers Children’s Officer,