"The Holy Terrors"
After two hurling teams in the parish had been filled there were still left a large number of aspirants to hurling fame. To absorb these it was decided to forma third "twenty-one". But a single team, even of twenty-one men as was then the regulation, would not accommodate a moiety of those on the waiting list, all of whom were clamouring for the honour of a "place". It was a perplexing situation for those on whom the onus of selection rested. To meet it they arranged a special match on Kilshannig lawn in which only the candidates for the proposed third team were to play. It was a crucial test for those taking part. To be rejected would mean to them the acme of humiliation, a sort of casting out into utter and exterior darkness.Crowds were present in anticipation of an exciting game. And they were not disappointed. It was a genuine thriller, the maddest, merriest match witnessed on Kilshannig lawn for many a day.Father Barry was intrigued by the idea of a third hurling team in the parish. He enjoyed the competitive activity of its prospective members and he had at this time been applying himself to find for them a suitably distinguishing title. During this particular match in Kilshannig he was, however, unavoidably absent at a funeral in Castlelyons. On his return to the lawn he heard with great interest of all that had taken place. One gentleman from the locality who had exhausted all his superlatives in describing the details concluded with an emphatic declaration,•"Do you know what, Father? They are holy terrors". "They are what?" eagerly inquired Father Barry. "They are regular downright holy terrors", the other reiterated with still greater assertiveness.Father Barry who was already highly amused by the accounts of the day's proceedings burst into an immoderate fit of laughter. The name had caught his fancy. It had solved his difficulty; it had supplied him with an apt title. And he declared that the new team, selected that day, should be known as "The Bartlemy Holy Terrors".
A more recent version of the the Holy Terrors in 2011