AGM on Friday Night.
The Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held in Bartlemy Parish hall on next Friday night December the 4th. It was in Bartlemy hall in December 1964 that the Bride Rovers Club was reformed after a lapse of a couple of years. The AGM was held here over the years but since we opened the Clubroom at Pairc na Bride the Annual meeting has been held there. The past season brought us just one championship title the East Cork Junior C Grade hurling championship. We competed well at Senior and Junior A level. Our performances in football were poor with very few games played. Our u 21 football; team were beaten in the first round and we gave a walkover in the Minor Football championship. Our u 21 Hurlers had two great wins before losing the East Cork semi final to the eventual County Champions Watergrasshill. For 2016 a huge effort is needed at minor and u21 Hurling and Football. We reached the Junior 2 and 4 East Cork Junior Hurling League Finals but lost both. Brian Murphy returned to play with the Cork Senior Hurlers and once more proved to be one of the best defenders in the country. Off the playing fields it was a momentous year with an investment of €250, 000 in our new training facilities. This was officially opened in the autumn by Cork County Board Chairman Gerard Lane. Well done to all who helped with the work and with the fundraising. We are always trying to think of new ways to raise funds to help with the day to day running costs and also to improve our player facilities.
Overall we can face into 2016 with optimism.In the Bride Rovers Club are always seeking new players from four years and upwards and of course older players who may have played with other clubs and are now living in the parish are more than welcome to join the Bride Rovers Club. People who never played the games are encouraged to join too as we have a role for everyone. You don't have to have a Coaching course done, if we have people interested in Coaching Hurling and Football arrangements can be made to organise a suitable training course. Maybe your talent is in gardening or landscaping, in IT or fundraising, in catering, cleaning, flag-making or any other of the many tasks that have to be undertaken in a busy GAA Club. Some people are afraid if they 'join up' they will be overburdened but don’t worry on that score. If you want to give an hour a week or an hour a month to the Bride Rovers Club that contribution will be very much appreciated and respected. They say 'many hands make light work' and in the case of a GAA Club it is really the truth. In the next few weeks the playing season on all fronts will be in full swing -why not get involved with your local GAA Club? If you want further information on what you could do ring 087 9538077. The Annual General Meeting on Friday night provides an open forum for all so do please come along at 8pm to Bartlemy Hall
Table Quiz
Many thanks to all who supported the Table Quiz in O Coileains on last Friday night. It was great success with 26 teams taking part. Thanks to the following who sponsored Prizes for the Raffle.
Fermoy Golf Club, Suttons Oil, Fitzy’s Fast Food, Flamingo Redz, Sami’s Turkish Barber, Fitzgerald Bros. Butchers Fermoy, Spar Rathcormac, Dolphin Video Productions, O’ Sullivan’s Butchers Rathcormac, Paudie & Breda Noonan, Jonathon Lenihan Sliothars, Big Vinnie’s Fast Food, Ó Crualaoí’s Fermoy, OD Tools Rathcormac, Pat and Cal Meade. O’ Coíleaín’s Bar,Rejuvenate Health & Fitness Fermoy,Fermoy Print & Design
Astro Turf for Hire
The astro-turf pitches at Bride Rovers are available for hire by contacting James Bermingham on 086 8350741. Pitches suitable for 5 a side teams, hurling and football and costs €50 per hour with lights.
The Jackpot for Nov 24 th was €8800. There was no winner when the following numbers were drawn 7 13, 21 and 22. The winners of€30 were
Jane O Driscoll, Joe Kelly Watergrasshill, Joe Collins Ballinhassig, S and K Bermingham Knockananig, Pat O Connor Scartbarry.Jackpot for Tuesday Dec 1st was €9000.
Tickets for the weekly Lotto are available from Club members, in local businesses and online at locallotto.ie
An annual Lotto Ticket for €90 is also on sale, it would make an ideal Christmas present. For details contact Dan Quill
Best wishes to Dungourney
All in Bride Rovers wish Dungourney Junior Hurlers the very best in the Munster Final on Sunday next. They face Fenor of Waterford in Mallow. Already this year Cork Champions Glen Rovers, Nemo Rangers, Newcestown, Carrigaline and Bandon have been beaten in the Provincial championships so hopefully Dungourney can capture the Munster Crown.
Keep Fit and Dance.
For those who want to combine fitness and learning the basics of set dancing remember classes are held in the Rathcormac Inn every Wednesday night.
Fermoy Enterprise Exhibition
On Saturday last the Bride Rovers Senior and Ladies Clubs both had stands at the very successfull Fermoy Enterprise showcase in Colaiste an Chraoibheann.
East Cork AGM
The AGM of the Imokilly GAA Board takes place in Cobh on Wednesday December the 9th at 7.30pm.
Cork GAA Convention
The Cork GAA Board Convention is on Sunday December 13th at Nemo Rangers Pavilion at 1.30.
Twitter and Website.
So many people at home and abroad are now very hi-tech when it comes to keeping in touch with the activities of the Bride Rovers Club. The online editions of newspapers are growing in popularity. Meanwhile you can follow the Club on twitter at twitter@ BrideRoversGAA or on our own website at www.briderovers.ie
Any news items or general items of interest are very welcome for inclusion and can be sent to Gerard Lane.
Ladies Football Final DVD
Copies of the DVD of the recent Senior Ladies Co. Final are now available. Contact Liam Barry.
Club Sponsors.
The Bride Rovers GAA Club are proud to have Rathcormac Tyres, O Coileáns Bar and Veolia Environmental Services as our valued Club Sponsors.