Cork GAA Members Draw next week..
The Cork GAA Members monthly Draw for 2-15/16 commences next week. The Draws for the months of September and October will be held on Friday night October the 30th. Tickets cost €100 per annum with a guaranteed 45% of that being retained by the Bride Rovers Club. With another phase of Development now being planned ongoing fundraising is needed again.
Since its inception in 1992 the Cork GAA members draw has seen Clubs within Cork benefiting by more than €19 million in funding their local club developments.
The Draw has three main aims -
• Investment in games development and coaching
• Risk free funding for clubs
• Capital projects support
Details available from your Local Club or the Draw Office (021-4291122 / email:corkgaadraw@eircom.net). The range of monthly prizes is vast including cars, holidays, vouchers and cash prizes.
We are hoping that Club members, supporters and players will support the Draw for the coming year. If you need further details just ask and Cub Officer or contact 086 0278790 before this weekend.
Sports Grant Funding.
The Bride Rovers Club was last week awarded 34,000 Euro in Capital funding for the next phase of our Club Development. While this sum falls short of the expected cost of 65,000 it is a very welcome boost. The Club wish to thank all the local Oireachtais members particularly Junior Minister Sean Sherlock and also Sandra McLellan, Tom Barry and David Stanton
Weekly club Lotto
Last week's Lotto draw took place on Tuesday 13th Oct for €7,600.
The numbers drawn were3 7 23 25 and there was no winner
The winners of the five €30 'Lucky Dips’ were;
Kitty O Keeffe c/o Flaming Redz
Shirley Johnson Rathcormac
Bill Kelleher Grange
Breda Foley Moulane
Mary Quill Mondaniel
Karen Healy c/o Laya
The Jackpot for Tuesday Oct 20th was 7,800
The Official opening of our new Astro Turf playing area will take place on Friday week Oct 30th and all are welcome. Full details next wweek.
Twitter and Website.
So many people at home and abroad are now very hi-tech when it comes to keeping in touch with the activities of the Bride Rovers Club. The online editions of newspapers are growing in popularity. Meanwhile you can follow the Club on twitter at twitter@ BrideRoversGAA or on our own website at www.briderovers.ie
Any news items or general items of interest are very welcome for inclusion and can be sent to Gerard Lane.
The final scrap collection for 2015 as part of our fundraising drive will be going ahead next week. Anyone who has scrap and wants it collected please contact 087 9538077
Copies of the DVD of the recent Senior Ladies Coo Final are now available. Contact Liam Barry.
Club Sponsors.
The Bride Rovers GAA Club are proud to have Rathcormac Tyres, O Coileáns Bar and Veolia Environmental Services as our valued Club Sponsors.