U16 Football..
On Monday evening, the under 16s travelled to Killeagh for the county semi final against Aghada. From the outset, this was going to be anextremely competitive game. Bride Rovers got off to a great start winning plenty of ball mid field, and working it well into the forward
line. Twenty minutes in, they led by 3-0 to Aghada’s 1-3. Unfortunately, from that point on, all the decisions seemed to go against Bride Rovers, and Aghada were able to capitalise on this and led at half time by two points. The second half was a continuation of the first with free after free awarded to Aghada, and only a minute number of the decisions going Bride Rovers’ way. Despite this, the girls fought to the bitter end and defended staunchly, with Sarah Murphy making some magnificent saves in goal, including a penalty. However, the game was for the most part an uphill battle for Bride Rovers who were doing their best in extremely difficult circumstances. In fairness to Aghada, they played excellent football and were strong in all positions across the pitch, and they won on a final score of 2-16 to 4-4.
Team: Sarah Murphy, Emily Larkin, Fiona Barry, Aislinn O’Connor, Talitha O’ Neill, Aisling Finnegan, Claire Hickey, Grace Culloty (0-3), Siobhan O’Sullivan, Emma Barry, Andrea Quinn O’Donovan, Rebecca Walsh, Katie Quirke (3-1), Ella Quinlan, Anna Murray (1-0), Sarah Geaney, Lucy Hicks, Caoimhe O’Sullivan
U10 Football:
On Saturday, Glanworth travelled to play Bride Rovers in a return friendly. The home side quickly got the upper hand with three early goals and it was an uphill struggle for the visitors to try and bridge the gap. In fairness to them, they never gave up and did convert some nice scores but Bride Rovers were far too strong on the day.
Team: Sophie Lee, Aoibhe Keily, Nikita Parle (0-1), Sarah Birmingham, AoifeMcCarthy, Ava Barry (0-4), Emma Collins, Lily Murray (4-3), Ruby Broderick (2-1), Mollie O'Connell (1-3), Rachel Walsh, Francesca Meaney, Sarah Buckley (0-1), Oonagh Nagle, Mai Cosgrove, Aisling Harte, Eimear Harte, Suin O' Regan, Abbie O’Connell
U8 Football:
Well done to the under 8s who played a friendly against Glanworth on Saturday morning, and many thanks to Glanworth for travelling on the day.
All Ireland Football Blitz:
Best wishes to our U8 and U10 football teams who will participate in a huge blitz in Passage West next Saturday the 12th September. Ninety two clubs will take part in the blitz which will be preceded by a big parade with pipe band through the village. Best of luck to all our players who will be flying the club colours.
Clothes Collection:
First Friday collection of old clothes, shoes and handbags will be taken at the
Community Centre on Friday October 2nd from 7.30 to 8.00pm.
Don't forget you can stay in touch day to day with all the latest news
on Twitter, @roversgaa, and on Facebook.