Great Hurling Cup Day.
Last Saturday was an unusual occasion for the Bride Rovers GAA Club -'bittersweet' was how one club stalwart put it. Having a one-day hurling tournament ran off successfully in the month of February was great start to the season for the four Senior Clubs involved. On the other hand the Tournament was to honour the memory of Tony Walsh, one of the greatest clubmen of all times. Tony gave literally a lifetime of service to Bride Rovers until his untimely death in 2012 so it was with a mixture of sadness, pride and joy that the games went ahead on Saturday. For Tony's wife Nora, son Michael, daughter Anne-Marie, his grandchildren and sisters Bina and Margaret it was a day of nostalgia tinged with loneliness. Yet they too I'm sure shared in so many of Tony's great days with the Club and they can be justifiably proud of such a great son of Bartlemy. The Bride Rovers Club were delighted to have so many of the Walsh family present on Saturday.
The Days Before.
It was a case of all hands on deck during the days leading up to Saturday. The transformation that took place in the grounds, dressingrooms, kitchen and clubroom was amazing. Thanks to all who helped and especially to those who were in the pitch actually by day and night for several days beforehand. With the magnificent new Astro Turf complex nearly completed much work had to be done to turn a building site into a car park area. The painting job done in the dressingrooms can in reality be only described as magnificent. The rooms are now resplendent in the green, white and gold colours of the club with the club crest enjoying pride of place. The showers, toilets, gym and kitchen all had a make-over and are a credit to everyone who put the shoulder to the wheel. When one sees a pitch being cut at night in the month of February well that's dedication to the cause.
The Programme.
We often go to matches and get a Team Sheet which is just adequate. What Liam Barry and his staff at Fermoy Print produced for Saturday's Tournament was a publication on par with many an Inter County Programme. It will become a treasured souvenir and in time a collectors item. We still have a few copies left -contact any Club Officer if you would like on
The Day.
Sleet and Snow on Saturday morning seemed to signal a woeful day ahead, weather wise. Luckily by mid- morning the sky was blue and though cold it remained largely dry until nearly five o clock. On the 6th of May 1934 when a famous match was cancelled in Fermoy because of torrential rain the day went down in lore as 'Ham Sunday' on account of all the ham sandwiches and plates of ham that had been got ready for sale on the day of the game and were left uneaten. About 11 o clock on Saturday morning I thought we'd be having the Bride Rovers version of Ham Saturday- not because of the weather but simply so much food arrived at the catering room I thought 'twould never all be eaten. Then a cold day strengthens the appetites and hurlers are hungry lads. Suffice it to say that by half five the mountain of food was gone, washed done by gallons of tay, coffee and soup! Thanks to all who helped in the culinary department.
From all parts of Munster the hurlers soon arrived. From close to the Galway border came Lorrha-Dorrha while from Shannonside the boys of Murroe-Boher came. A bit closer to home came fellow Bride siders Tallow. It was great that all the visiting teams came on time and cooperated fully in the running off of the tournament in a splendid fashion.
The Games.
Pa O Driscoll threw in the sliotar at half twelve for the opening game between ourselves and the lads from Tipperary. This was tough game of no-nonsense hurling with little between the teams at any stage. There was strong breeze blowing from the Moulane/Ballybrowney direction towards Bride St. Lorrha had this advantage and led by four points at the break. We gradually got on top and some great points saw us ahead by the minimum with less than five minutes. Back came Lorrha with a goal.
We responded well with a goal and we went on to win by 1 10 to 1 7.
Team; , Fergus Collins, Frank Hogan Brendan Walsh, Shane Kearney, Jason Pratt, Liam Forde, Mike Kearney, Mike Lidanne, Barry Johnson , Stephen Pratt, Daniel Dooley , Stephen Glasgow, DJ Cahill, Michael Collins , William Finnegan Liam Forde, Mike Kearney, Mike Lidanne, Barry Johnson , Stephen Pratt Brennie O' Driscoll, Cian O' Connor, Stephen Boyce.This was a great start to the day. Condition were cold and blustery but the pitch was in great order for the time of year.
Next into the ring were the camán-wilders from Treatystone county and the Decies. In a very open game Tallow seemed well in control for most of the game. Murroe Boher came with a late scoring spree. In the end Tallow held on for a slender two point victory.After ample sustenance was partaken of it was time for the Shield and Cup Finals. At three o clock Lorrha and Murroe Boher took to the field for the Shield Final. The men from North Tipperary had a good win which will put them in fine fettle for the first round of their SHC in early April when they take on Eire Og Annacarty. Michael Walsh presented the Shield to the Lorrha Captain Graham Houlihan who replied suitably.
Tony Walsh Cup Final.
The Final had everything - hard hurling, great scores, a beater of a sleet shower and two evenly matched sides. Tough Tallow led for much of the game we had a handy three point lead with five minutes to go and looked likely winners. Tallow to their credit scored three point to tie up the game. It was on then to two periods of extra time where scores were very scarce. In a nail biting finish Tallow held on the win by 1 11 to 1 10. It was a disappointing result for us but a great victory for Tallow. After the final whistle Nora Walsh presented the Cup to the Tallow Captain Mark O Brien. He thanked the Bride Rovers Club for the invitation to participate in the Tournament and finished by calling for three cheers for the runners up.
Team; Daniel Dooley Stephen Boyce, DJ Cahill , Michael Collins , Stephen Glasgow , Barry Johnson, Frank Hogan, Fergus Collins, Brendan Walsh, Shane Kearney, Brennie O' Driscoll, Liam Forde, Mike Kearney, Cian O' Connor, Stephen Pratt: William Finnegan, Brian Murphy, Mike Liddane.
For Joe Delaney and his selectors the games afforded an opportunity to try out new players. Of course it would have been great to win the Cup but as Tony would have often said himself 'playing the game is the most important thing.'.
So the curtain came down on a great occasion for the Club, again thanks to each and everyone who helped in any way. On next Sunday March the 1st we play our first game in the 2015 Red FM County Senior Hurling League when we travel to Killeagh for a 12 noon game.
The 2015 East Cork Scor Sinnsir Final was held in Lisgoold on Sunday night before a small but enthusiastic attendance. The Club had three entries ;solo singing, Leiriu (Sketch) and Question Time and we emerged victorious in all three sections for a great result on the night. Mary Hazlewood's rendition of Danny Boy took first prize in the Solo Singing. In the Leiriu 'Will They Remember' with Jonathon Brackett and John Arnold took top honours. The Question time team of Tom Mulcahy, Pa O Driscoll, Gerard Lane and John Arnold were narrow winners. All three section winners go forward to the County Final in Ovens at 6 pm on Sunday week March the 8th
Weekly Club Lotto
The Lotto Jackpot for Tuesday February 17th was â¬3600. The four numbers drawn were 2,5,13 and 23 and there was no winner. This week's jackpot was â¬3800.
Lucky dip winners - C O'Brien @ laya,
Finola Hogan Kildinan,
S Fitzgerald Scartbarry,
Pat Culloty Barnahash,
Bridie Mannix Bartlemy.
Tickets for the Lotto are just â¬2 each and can be bought locally in shops and business premises and from Club Members. Tickets can also be purchased online at locallotto.ie
We are still accepting all types of scrap metal as part of our ongoing fundraising campaign. If you have any unwanted scrap iron, bicycles, cars, tractors, cookers, farm implements, engines, lawnmowers, tin-cans, cutlery or anything metal we can arrange to have it collected and disposed of. Just ring 087 9538077.
A reminder that Club membership fees for 2015 are now due. Players cannot play with the Club until membership Fee is paid. As in previous years anyone who wants to arrange staged payments over a few months can do so. The Membership fees for this year are; Players â¬100
Ordinary adult membership â¬50
OAP's â¬20
Students â¬40.
Bride Rovers Abu;
Copies of our Club History 'Bride Rovers Abu' are still available from the Club PRO, just phone 087 9538077. Anyone who comes across any old photos pertaining to Bride Rovers or the former Rathcormac, Bartlemy or St. Bartholomew's Clubs please contact the Club PRO. We will copy the photographs and return them on the same day.
Twitter and Website.
The Tweets and Twitters have been going well now with well over a year. So many people at home and abroad are very hi-tech when it comes to keeping in touch with the activities of the Bride Rovers Club. The online editions of newspapers are growing in popularity. Meanwhile you can follow the Club on twitter at twitter@ Bride RoversGAA or on our own website at www.briderovers.ie Any news items or general items of interest are very welcome for inclusion and should be sent to Gerard Lane. Please inform family members, relations and friends of Bride Rovers about the ways and means of keeping in contact with the Club. Christmas time is when we all think of those away abroad in a special way so tell them all about how to keep in touch with the Club at home and how they can still support the Club lotto online.
We are always seeking new players from four years and upwards and of course older players who may have played with other clubs and are now living in the parish are more than welcome to join the Bride Rovers Club. People who never played the games are encouraged to join too as we have a role for everyone. Maybe your talent is in gardening or landscaping, in IT or fundraising, in catering, cleaning, flag-making or any other of the many tasks that have to be undertaken in a busy GAA Club. Some people are afraid if they 'join up' they will be overburdened but donât worry on that score. If you want to give an hour a week or an hour a month to the Bride Rovers Club that contribution will be very much appreciated and respected. They say 'many hands make light work' and in the case of a GAA Club it is really the truth. In the next few weeks the playing season on all fronts will be in full swing -why not get involved with your local GAA Club? If you want further information on what you could do ring 087 9538077.
FIXTURE; Sunday March 1st Co SHL V Killeagh away at 12 noon
Monday March 2nd Club Executive meeting
The main sponsors of the Bride Rovers GAA Club are Rathcormac Tyres, O Coileains Bar and Veolia Environmental Services as our valued Club Sponsors.