Paul Howard |
Arsenal |
In |
Kathleen Johnson |
Arsenal |
In |
Pa O' Driscoll |
Arsenal |
In |
Gavin Quill |
Arsenal |
In |
Don Quill |
Arsenal |
In |
Shane Kearney |
Arsenal |
In |
Stephen Glasgow |
Arsenal |
In |
David Burke |
Arsenal |
In |
Mairead Ryan |
Arsenal |
In |
Pat Carleton |
Arsenal |
In |
Michael Duggan |
Arsenal |
In |
Sean O' Brien |
Arsenal |
In |
Gerry O' Flynn |
Arsenal |
In |
Gavin O' Flynn |
Arsenal |
In |
Ger Lane |
Arsenal |
In |
Leslie O' Sullivan |
Arsenal |
In |
Shane Kavanagh |
Arsenal |
In |
Annette Murphy |
Arsenal |
In |
Cian Howard |
Arsenal |
In |
Daniel Dooley |
Arsenal |
In |
Maurice Dooley |
Arsenal |
In |
John Pratt |
Arsenal |
In |
Jason Pratt |
Arsenal |
In |
Tadhg O' Sullivan |
Arsenal |
In |
Mike Kearney |
Arsenal |
In |
Donncha Carr |
Arsenal |
In |
Cian O' Connor |
Arsenal |
In |
Peggy Kearney |
Liverpool |
In |
Kieran Collins |
Liverpool |
In |
Barry Johnson |
Man Utd |
In |
Billy Howard |
Man Utd |
In |
Barney O' Driscoll |
Man Utd |
In |
James Hogan |
Man Utd |
In |
Dan Quill |
Man Utd |
In |
Mike Liddane |
Man Utd |
In |
Annette Stapleton |
Man Utd |
In |
Liam O' Brien Jnr |
Man Utd |
In |
Marie O' Brien |
Man Utd |
In |
Evelyn Collins |
Man Utd |
In |
Barry Collins |
Man Utd |
In |
Brian Collins |
Man Utd |
In |
Amy Murphy |
Man Utd |
In |
Maria Cronin |
Man Utd |
In |
Frank Hogan |
Man Utd |
In |
Brian Hogan |
Man Utd |
In |
Patsy Hogan |
Man Utd |
In |
Jason O' Brien |
Man Utd |
In |
Shane Hogan |
Man Utd |
In |
Colm Barry |
Man Utd |
In |
Mary Pratt |
Man Utd |
In |
Laura Pratt |
Man Utd |
In |
Bertie Murphy |
Man Utd |
In |
Donncha Carr |
Man Utd |
In |
Zoe Glasgow |
Newcastle |
In |
Ann Forde |
Newcastle |
In |
Brennie O' Driscoll |
Stoke |
In |
Jerome O' Driscoll |
Stoke |
In |
Stephen Quinn |
Stoke |
In |
Kathleen Kearney |
Stoke |
In |
James Glasgow |
Stoke |
In |
Grace Kearney |
Stoke |
In |
John Hughes |
Stoke |
In |
AnneMarie O' Callaghan |
Stoke |
In |
Gavin Walsh |
Stoke |
In |
Jakub Macak |
Stoke |
In |
Fergus Collins |
Stoke |
In |
Aidan Collins |
Stoke |
In |
Claire O' Connell |
Stoke |
In |
Brian Murphy |
Stoke |
In |
Stephen Pratt |
Stoke |
In |
Keith Forde |
Stoke |
In |
Dave Kingston |
Stoke |
In |
Donncha Carr |
Stoke |
In |
Daniel Lane |
Stoke |
In |
Nicky Forde |
Sunderland |
In |
Shane Walsh |
Sunderland |
In |
Lindie Glasgow |
Tottenham |
In |
Bridget Forde |
Tottenham |
In |
Sonya Carey |
Tottenham |
In |
Nathan Buckley |
Tottenham |
In |
Shane O' Connor |
Tottenham |
In |
Donncha Carr |
Tottenham |
In |
Donncha Carr |
Chelsea |
Out |
Ken Madden |
Crystal Palace |
Out |
Philip Brennan |
Crystal Palace |
Out |
Marianne Doyle |
Hull |
Out |
Emily Brustle |
Southampton |
Out |
Paudy Collins |
Southampton |
Out |
Jimmy Johnson |
Southampton |
Out |
Terry Broderick |
Southampton |
Out |
John Kearney |
Southampton |
Out |
Liam Forde |
Southampton |
Out |
Richie O' Regan |
Southampton |
Out |
Steve Bevan |
Southampton |
Out |
Jamie Buckley |
Southampton |
Out |
Michael Collins |
Southampton |
Out |
Mike Cronin |
Southampton |
Out |
Shane O' Connor |
Southampton |
Out |
Liam O' Brien Snr |
West Ham |
Out |
· Pick the winner of one Premier League match each week
· If your selection wins you progress to the next week. Lose or draw and you are out.
·All entries to be sent to Daniel Lane by text to 0872070100 or in person before 10pm every Friday.
·Once submitted you cannot change your team.
·You may not pick the same team twice in the competition.
·If you fail to enter a team you will automatically be given the team in the highest position above the team that you picked the week before. E.g. If this week you picked Man United (3rd) then next week you will be given Chelsea (1st).
·If any match is postponed or cancelled you will move to the next week. However, that team will no longer be available for selection.
·Results will be posted each week on www.briderovers.ie