Annual Social..
On next Saturday the 17th of January in conjunction with Bride Rovers GAA Club, the Ladies Football and Camogie Club are holding their annual social in the Corrin Event Centre. Tickets are just â¬20 and are available from May Barry, Betty Cahill and other Club Officers. It should be a great night so make sure to get your tickets on time.
Medals will be presented for the following at the adult social :
County Senior B ladies football league
County Junior B camogie championship
County U21 B football championship
County Junior 13-a-side A football league
County Minor D camogie league
East Cork Minor B ladies football championship
U14 Cork Football Panel Selection:
Congratulations to Sarah Murphy and Katie Quirke
who have been selected for the U14 Cork County Football panel for the coming
season. This is a great achievement and we wish them every success.
Panel of Officers:
At our recent AGM, the following panel of officers were elected for the new year.
Presidents: Janie O' Driscoll and Rita Kelleher
Chairperson: Mossie O' Sullivan
Vice Chairperson: Pat Culloty
Secretary: Catherine Murphy
Assistant Secretary: Yris Bloemhoff
Treasurer: Shirley Johnson
Assistant Treasurer: Eleanor Quirke
P.R.O.: Allie Murray
Children Officer; Katie Kelleher
Photographs - Presentations at recent Underage Social by Ger Lane, County Chairperson:
Pic...Siobhain OâSullivan (U14 Cork County Camogie Panel 2014)
The next 'First Friday' clothes collection will be on Friday February
6th at 7.30 pm to 8.00pm at Rathcormac Hall. All contributions are