Workmanlike AGM..
It was a case of 'steady as she goes' at the Annual General Meeting of the Club held at Aras de Barra on Monday night last November the 24th. There was a fine crowd in attendance for what was the 50th consecutive AGM since the reformation of the Club in December 1964. Chairman Billy Finnegan welcomed all present at the meeting and hoped it would be a good AGM with plenty positivity. The Minutes of the last AGM were then read by the Runai William O Leary and the adoption of same was proposed and seconded . The Secretary's Annual Report was then discussed. In his report Runai William O Leary outlined the highlights of 2014 which included;
Winning our fourth East Cork Junior B Grade Football championship
* Major progress by the ladies and juvenile Clubs
* Huge fundraising effort for Club Development. Pictured at the AGM
Our Junior C hurling team reached the East Cork Final which was a major achievement for the Club's third adult hurling team. Another momentous occasion for the Club was the nomination of Gerard Lane to be the next Chairman of the Cork County Board.
In his report the Runai outlined details of every championship and League game played by the Club during 2014 as well as details of meeting and other Club activities. Tribute was paid to former members and players who died during the year including Club Officer Pat O Connell.
Next on the Agenda was the Treasurers Statement of the Financial affairs of the Club. Dan Quill presented the Report which showed the ever increasing costs associated with running a GAA Club. During the year the main focus was on Fundraising for the major development in Pairc na Bride which has now commenced.. Thanks to a major effort during the year involving the Night at the Dogs and the Scrap Collection we will be in a position to fund the work without resorting to any major long term loans. Dan stressed the importance of early and prompt payment of Membership Fees and the Weekly Club Lotto.
In his Chairman's address Billy Finnegan thanked each and every player and member who was involved with the club during the past year. He highlighted the winning of the Junior B Football and the performance of our Senior Hurling team against Courcey Rovers. Our performance in the Senior Hurling League was very disappointing with just four wins from fifteen starts. He paid tribute to all who helped with fundraising during the year and looked forward to the development work proceeding.
Billy paid tribute to the Ladies and Juvenile Clubs for the great work they are doing for all their members across the grades. He outlined various upgrading that is needed in the showers, toilets and dressingrooms and said that this should be completed over the winter. He paid tribute top the people who just fifty years ago had the forsight to reorganise the Bride Rovers Club after it had not affiliated for two years previously. The 50th anniversary celebrations will take place on December the 7th in Bartlemy.
President; Pat O Connor
Vice Presidents; Fr. Neilus O Donnell PP emeritus , Fr. Sean Barry, FR. Michael Leamy PP, Martin Murphy, Mick Barry, Henry Hazlewood, John Arnold.
Chairman; Billy Finnegan
Vice Chairman Richie O Regan
Runai; William O Leary
Asst Runai; Shane O Connor
Treasurer; Dan Quill
Asst. Treasurer; Brian Arnold
PRO; John Arnold
Insurance Officers; Shane O Connor & Dan Quill
Membership Officer/Registrar; Brian Arnold
Oifigigh Cultur / Gaeilge; Mossy O Sullivan
East Cork Board Delegates; Tom Mulcahy, Brendan O Driscoll.
Co. Board Delegates; John Arnold, Daniel Lane.
Players Rep; Michael Collins
ASAP officer; Mossy O Sullivan.
EXECUTIVE MEMBERS for 2015 all above Officers and Tom Kearney, John Joe Carey, Liam Barry, Gerard Lane, James Bermingham, Pat Barry, Paudie Murphy, Seamus Buckley, Denis Ahern as well as representatives from the Ladies and Juvenile Clubs.
The position of Childrens Officer was not filled.
Players â¬100
Ordinary adult membership â¬50
OAP's â¬20
Students â¬30.
TEAMS for 2015;
Senior, Junior A and Junior C Hurling
Junior A Football
Under 21 Hurling and Football.
Team managers were announced as follows (selectors to be ratified later)
Senior Hurling; Joe Delaney
Junior Football; Vincent Cronin
Junior Hurling; Dan Quill
A discussion on Medal Presentation took place and will be finalised at the first Executive meeting. The Run/Walk on St. Stephens Day will take place again this year.
The first Executive Meting for the 2014/2015 season was fixed for next Monday night Dec.1st.
Congrats to u 14 Team and Sciath na Scoil Team.
It was a great week at underage level for Gaelic games in the Parish. On Monday at Pairc Ui Chaoimh the postponed Sciath na Scoil Final between Bishop O Brien NS, Bartlemy and Ballincurrig took place, having been postponed the previous Thursday because of torrential rain. The Bartlemy lads had a great 1 6 to 0 3 win. Adam Walsh followed in his fathers footsteps as Brendan had won an East Cork medal the previous Saturday. Well done to team captain Craig O Callaghan and his gallant team.
On Saturday at Pairc na Bride our u 14 hurlers had a two point win after extra time to9 capture the Premier 2 County League Title after a mighty game with Inniscarra
The Jackpot for last week was a nice â¬6000. The four numbers drawn were 4,13,20 & 24 and there was no winner. The â¬30 winners were;
Joe Collins, Ballinhassig.
Pat Pyne, Ballybrowney
Mary Casey c/o LAYA
Mary Finn, Mitchelstown
Bill Kelleher, Grange. The Jackpot for Tuesday night last Nov 25th was â¬6200.
Thanks to our Main Club Sponsors Rathcormac Tyres, Veoila Environmental Services and O Coileains Bar for their ongoing support.