The winners of the five â¬30 'Lucky Dips' were;
.Maura Desmond c/o Flamingo Redz
.Helen O'Mahony c/o Laya Healthcare
.Paudie Collins, Mullintoura
.Neilus McHugh, Bartlemy
.Annette O'Flynn, Rathcormac.
This week's draw took place in O Coileains Barr on Tuesday April the 30th for a Jackpot of â¬3800.
Tickets for the Bride Rovers weekly Lotto are just â¬2 each. The Lotto provides valuable finance for the ongoing future of the Club. With further major development planned for Pairc na Bride raising finance is always a big issue. We urge everyone in the parish and further afield to continue to support the Lotto- each â¬2 is really appreciated by the Club. If you wish to join the Lotto for a year an annual Ticket can be purchased at the reduced price of â¬90. Full details from Club members. The weekly tickets are on sale in local business outlets. If you wish to join the Lotto and have any problem getting tickets just contact any Club member.
On Thursday May the 2nd we play St. Vincents in the Co Minor Hurling League at 7pm at home in Rathcormac. On Sat night next May 4th we play Ballyhooley in the Imokilly/Avondhu JHL then next week on Tuesday May 7th we play Clyda Rovers in Mourneabbey in the Cavanaghs of Fermoy Imokilly/Avondhu JHL. The Senior Hurlers play Blackrock in Church Road in the Red FM Co SHL on Thursday evening May the 9th and on Sunday May 19th we have Kilshannig at home in the JHL.
Dick Barry RIP.
There was a great sense of widespread sadness on Sunday evening when the news came through of the death of Dick Barry. Dick was in his 94th year, he was born in Hightown, Bartlemy in 1919. In later years his family moved to Mondaniel, Rathcormac before Dick set up in business in Patrick St. Fermoy. He served his community, County and Country in an exemplary fashion for many decades. In his younger days he hurled wuith Bride Rovers and served as Club Officer. In 1943 Dick was a member of the Kildinan AC that won the National Cross Country Championship. He will be fondly remembered by his many, many friends. We extend our deepest sympathy to his wife Margaret and family.
Car Boot Sale.
Thanks to all who helped out over the weekend with Parish Development Council Car Boot Sale. The Next Sale is on Sunday May 26th. New volunteers to help out for an hour or two are always very welcome so if you can help simply contact any club officer.
Rathcormac N S Re Union.
Plans for a Rathcormac National School are underway. September the 13th and 14th are the days planned for the event. Regular organisational meetings are now being held so all past pupils try and help out especially with information on those left the parish. This year 2013 is the Year of the Gathering when visitors are being welcomed home from abroad to events all over the country.
Astro-Turf available to Hire;
The Astro-turf pitch at Bride Rovers is available for hire by contacting James Bermingham on 086 8350741. Pitch is suitable for 5 a side teams and costs â¬50 per hour with lights. A reminder to all those who have pre-booked the facility, if for some reason your group cannot take up their allocated time slot please let Club Officers know immediately.
Club Website.
The Bride Rovers GAA Club website www.briderovers.ie is proving popular at home and abroad. If you have any ideas for improving the website or suggestions for additions please contact us. Please let family members abroad know about the site.
Club Shop.
Well the 2013 playing season is in full swing and the value is as good as ever at the Bride Rovers Club Shop. We have a huge range of Stock just in. Jerseys, togs, Socks, Hoodies, Training Shorts, Track Suits, Training Tops, Gear Bags, Polo Shirts, Bottle Green Wind-Sheeters, Green Half Zip Hoodies, Rain Jackets, Beanie Hats and Medal Boards are all available. Be seen to support your club with the club colours and club gear. If you want to place an order just ring 086 3807784 or 086 1540902 to purchase all the above items.
Bride Rovers on Twitter.
You can now follow us on twitter @ BrideRoversGAA and thus get all the club news and reports sent directly to your phone.
The Bride Rovers GAA Club main sponsor is The Rathcormac Inn/Conversation Piece.