Our Scór run for 2013 came to an end in Templemore on Sat night, when the all conquering Novelty act team were beaten into second pace in the Airtricity Munster Final. Well done to the full cast and in particular John Arnold, who has been to the forefront of Scór in the club for 40 years. Pictured are the full cast at the finals in Templemore.
Pic courtesy of John Tarrant
The fult list of winners from Templemore were
Rince Fóirne: Glenflesk (Kerry)
AmhránaÃocht Aonair: Sinéad Grant(Newcastle, Tipperary)
Ceol Uirlise: Buttevant (Cork)
Aithriseoireacht: Noel Joyce (J K Brackens, Tipperary)
Bailéad Ghrúpa: Newport (Tipperary)
Tráth na gCeist: Monaleen (Limerick)
Nuachleas: Feenagh/Kilmeedy (Limerick)
Rince Seit: J K Brackens (Tipperary)
The Munster champions progress to the All Ireland Scór Finals in Derry on Saturday, April 27.