Loreto Post-Primary, All-Ireland Senior A Champions....
Bride Rovers Ladies Football and Camogie Club were delighted to honour the victorious Loreto Senior A panel and their mentors at a reception in Rathcormac Hall last Sunday night. There was a great turnout of supporters on the night which was absolutely fantastic. The players were introduced on stage by Club President Jane O'Driscoll and this was followed by speeches by Club Chairman Mossie O'Sullivan, mentors James Ahern and Ger Murphy and Loreto Principal Marie Ring, all of whom spoke very well and passionately about what this victory means to Loreto, all the clubs who contributed players and the surrounding area in general.
Many thanks to Betty, May, Claire, Margaret, Valerie, Teresa, Kathleen, Marie Arnold, Eleanor, Rita, Catherine, Paul and anyone who helped organise the reception. I'm sure I have probably left some people off the list and apologies for that but many thanks to you all.
Caption for photograph :
The Bride Rovers contingent on the 2013 Loreto group [Jen Barry, Jen Cahill, Laura Quirke, Grace Culloty, Madison Parle, Karen Sheehan, Aine Cashman, Trish O'Sullivan, Katie Connor, Claire Murphy and James Ahern] pictured at the Bride Rovers celebration night with Marie Ring and Ger Murphy.
Upcoming Fixtures
Senior Football vs Gabriel Rangers on Monday, April 1st at 5pm at a half-way venue.
U12 Football vs Rockban over Easter weekend.
U14 Football vs Fermoy on Thursday, April in Rathcormac.
Junior Football first round over Easter weekend.
Bride Rovers continue to welcome new ladies footballers and camogie players of all ages. If you are new to the parish and would like to get involved, please contact Mossie at 086-835 4093 or Catherine at 087-410 4730.
See www.briderovers.ie for all club news/events