Our AGM was held on Friday the 18th of February with a good crowd in attendance. The Secretary, Chairman and Treasurer gave excellent reports. All our team mentors and parents were thanked for all their effort and help during the year. All our sponsors were thanked for their continued support. New Officers for 2013 were elected Chairman: Evan O'Riordan, Vice Chairman: Ed O'Callaghan, Secretary: Catherine Howard, Asst. Secretary: Trina O'Sullivan, Treasurer: Ken O'Riordan, Asst Treasurer: Pat Murphy, Events Co-Coordinator: Paddy Hynes and PRO Trish O'Flynn. Best of Luck to these officers and all who have taken on any job within the club for the coming year. If anyone is interested in joining the following are team secretaries and contact numbers: U6: Paddy Hynes 087-6212016, U8: Paddy Hynes 087-6258050, U10: Brendan Walsh 087-1337565, U12: Ed O'Callaghan 087-1251554, U14: Trina O'Sullivan 086-3277169, U16: Oliver O'Connor: 086-2657309, U18: William O'Leary 087-9538077
Membership for 2013 was agreed â¬50 for Adult Members and â¬30 for Juvenile Members
Registration Night
A registration night has been organised for Friday February the 1st from 6.30 to 8.30 in the clubrooms. All players must be registered before playing.
Report from Juv Club PRO Trish O Flynn