The Clubs earned in excess of â¬17m risk free, which contributed greatly to
(a) Their day to day running costs.
(b) The various development Projects undertaken by them.
County Board earned â¬5.4m approx., which contributed to a number of Developments such as the upgrading of Páirc Uà Rinn and the old North Monastery Field.
However the great majority of income from the Draw was spent by Co Board in the area of Youth Development. The current expenditure in this area â¬275,000 approx.. Without a successful Draw we will not be in a position to continue to fund this from our present resources.
This Draw has unlimited potential. It peaked in 2002 with 25,000 members but unfortunately there has been a steady decline since then. It is now close to breakeven. It is imperative this decline is halted. A small number of Clubs have given tremendous support to the Draw with 40% of tickets being sold by 12½ % of our Clubs.
If this Draw reaches its potential it will generate much needed income for both our Clubs and County.
A successful Draw will enable us to fund our Youth Development Programme and make an important contribution towards the upcoming redevelopment of Páirc Uà Chaoimh.
The support of all Clubs is vital and we are asking each Club to convene a special meeting to discuss the Draw and put in place a Committee to organise and sell the maximum number of tickets in its catchment area.