The winners of the five â¬30 'Lucky Dips' were;
. Felicity Hanrahan c/o Laya Healthcare
. Tom Barry, Rathcormac
. May Barry c/o Liam Cahill
. Dave Kenneally, Ashfield Place
. Kay Collins, Mondaniel.
This week's draw took place in The Rathcormac Inn on Tuesday August the 28th for a jackpot of â¬5,400.
The Club says a big ' thank you' to all those who week in, week out support the Lotto. Your ongoing assistance is greatly appreciated. Every â¬2 sold is very valuable income for our Cub. Our further Development Plans are completely dependent on raising finance. The various ways you can support the Lotto are as follows;
1 Purchase a ticket each week from Club Members or in local Business outlets and ask friends and family members to do the same.
2 Buy Tickets online at Locallotto.ie, we urge members and friend who have contacts around the country and abroad to spread the news about the Lotto.
3 Purchase a yearly ticket, available at a reduced rate of â¬90
4 Sell a book or a half book of Lotto tickets every week. The club is always anxious to get new Lotto sellers- 'many hands make light work', if you are interested in helping the Bride Rovers Club by buying or selling the weekly Lotto Tickets please contact any Club officer or member.
Well Done Kildorrery.
Congratulations to the Kildorrery Junior Hurlers who won the North Cork Hurling title for the first time since 1988 at Kilworth on Saturday evening. Best of luck in their County JHC campaign.
The next Bride Rovers Club Executive meeting is on Monday September the 3rd in the clubrooms at 9pm.
Cork Beaten.
Is it the end of an era? No one knows yet but the winds of change are certainly blowing through Gaelic Football with Donegal's win over Cork last Sunday. While it was a disappointing end to the Rebels campaign there is no doubting the merits of the Ulster side and the type of football they played. Great credit though to Conor Counihan and his team for the great displays over recent seasons. Just one All Ireland victory in 2010 is scant reward for this fine bunch of players and their mentors. There may well be changes in playing personnel in the future but all the Cork footballers have been great ambassadors for the County in recent years. Donegal are now qualified for just their second ever All Ireland Final and it will be some month in the north west.
Club Website.
The Bride Rovers GAA Club website www.briderovers.ie is proving popular at home and abroad. If you have any ideas for improving the website or suggestions for additions please contact us.
The Bride Rovers GAA Club main sponsor is The Rathcormac Inn/Conversation Piece.