The winners of the five â¬30 'Lucky Dips' were;
.Mike Carey, Monanig
.Paddy Mannix, Bartlemy
.Martina & Ben c/o Pat O'Connor
.Fachtna O'Driscoll, Rathcormac
.Kate O'Connell c/o locallotto.ie.
This week's draw took place in The Rathcormac on Tuesday May 8th for a jackpot of â¬2,200.
Tickets for the Lotto are available from Club Members and also in local Business Outlets. They can also be purchased online at locallotto.ie. A Yearly Ticket for â¬90 is also available.
Full details of the Lotto Results can be viewed on the Bride Rovers Club Website www.briderovers.ie
Junior Hurling Leagues.
Our Junior Hurling teams have four fixtures coming up . On this Thursday night May 10th we are at home to Ballinacurra in the East Cork Division 3 HL Section 2. This is a game for our third team. Our First Junior Hurling Team are competing in the Cavanaghs of Fermoy Avondhu/ Imokilly JHL and have three fixtures. On next Tuesday May 15th we are away to Castlemartyr at 7.30. Four nights later on Saturday 19th we are at home to Cobh at 7.30.
On Saturday June the 2nd we are away to Russell Rovers at 7.15.
Senior Hurling.
With the Senior Championship tie against Erins Own just two weeks from next Sunday evening training continues but with so many walking wounded its difficult to make much real progress with preparations. The Erins Own game is fixed for Carrigtwohill.
IFC Game.
Kildorrery overcame Glanmire in Pairc na Bride in the first round of the Co IFC on Saturday night last. Thanks to the Club Members who were on duty to help with the running of the fixture which was refereed by Cathal Egan of Glen Rovers.
C. Ladies Senior League Final.
Hard luck on the Rovers Senior Team who lost the County Senior League final to Gabriel Rovers on Sunday last in Castletownkenniegh. Just two points was the margin of defeat but it augurs well that the girls are well able to compete at this level.
Membership of the Club for 2012 is now open. The Fee for Adult Players is â¬100, Students â¬40, Minors â¬30, Ordinary Club Membership â¬50. There is a special reduced Membership Fee of â¬20 for OAP's. The Membership fees can be paid to any Club member.
A reminder to all players and supporters that we have a huge range of Stock just arrived in the Bride Rovers Club Shop. Jerseys, togs, Socks, Hoodies, Training Shorts, Track Suits, Training Tops, Gear Bags, Polo Shirts, Bottle Green Wind-Sheeters, Green Half Zip Hoodies, Rain Jackets, Beanie Hats and Medal Boards are all available. Be seen to support your club with the club colours and club gear. Ring 086 3807784 or 086 1540902 to purchase all the above items.
Astro-Turf available to Hire
The astro-turf pitch at Bride Rovers is available for hire by contacting James Bermingham on 086 8350741. Pitch is suitable for 5 a side teams and costs â¬50 per hour with lights.
Feile Semi Final.
I was in Fermoy last Thursday night to witness a thrilling Feile Semi Final between our under fourteen hurlers and Ballygiblin. We were ahead by 5 points with time almost up but back came Ballygiblin to get a draw. In the end after 70 minutes we lost by a goal. It was a great game but a very disappointing game to lose. On Monday at Ballinlough Ballygiblin Beat Nemo Rangers by 5 6 to 1 12 to win out the competition.
Our revamped website is proving very popular (7300 hits in April) with those at home and abroad. We are still looking for old Club Team or action photos for the site, www.briderovers.ie
The Bride Rovers GAA Club main sponsor is The Rathcormac Inn/Conversation Piece.