WE had two junior hurling games over the weekend withthe Junior A hurling team in action in the Avondhu/Imokilly JHL Div. 1 and theDivision 3 hurlers playing a practise game.
We travelled to Glanworth on Saturday 10th March for our firstleague game. This was also our first team get together for 2012 as all alongthe Junior have been training with the Seniors.
Due to injuries, work, andholidays our panel of 30 players was reduced to 19 players on the day. Our lastJunior game last season was in Ballyhooley when Harbour Rovers defeated us inthe County League quarter final.
We opened brightly and had 3well worked points on the board before Harbour Rovers scored and coming up tohalf-time we lead by 7points to 3 when we struck for an excellent goal, theopposition responded and levelled matters at 1-7 each and at half-time we werebehind by 1-8 to 1-7.
Following a half-time chat weopened smartly in the 2nd half and had 2 excellent goals within as manyminutes. Our defence tightened up matters at the back and with more movementoutfield we took complete control of the game and continued to secure some verygood scores.
We finished the game well aheadand had a comprehensive victory on a score line of 5-12 to 1-13. In fact 5-10of our score came from play but a disappointing aspect of the game was that weconceded 9 points from frees.
Team: Frank Hogan,Fergus Collins, Brendan O'Driscoll, Tomas Kearney, Donnchadha Carr, Pat Walsh,Jim O'Connor, Gavin O'Flynn, Stephen Boyce, Richie Cahill, Mike Kearney,Stephen Pratt, Terry Broderick, Alan O'Keeffe, Jerome O'Driscoll,
Subs: BarryCollins, Liam O'Leary, Stephen O'Leary and Pa O'Driscoll.
Scorers: JeromeO'Driscoll 2-6, Richie Cahill 2-1, Mike Kearney 1-2, Terry Broderick 0-3.
N.B. Playersshould continue to train with the Senior Hurlers. Our next Hurling League gamehas been put back until the 25th March when we will be away to Kildorrery.
Junior Hurling- Third Team.
Our Third Hurling team hadtheir opening game of the season on Sunday last with a practise game vBallyhooley. It was a good game and we came out winners by 3 16 to 1 19. Our lineout was asfollows; Frank Hogan, Wm. O Leary, Barry Collins, Jacob Macak, Jack Kearney, PaO Driscoll, Brian Lahive, Kieran Manley, Stephen Pratt, Damien Buckley, KieranCollins, Niall Hogan, Stephen O Leary, Gerard Healy, Kieran Wolfe.
Subs; Alan O Keeffe & Jamie Buckley.
The 2012 County SeniorHurling League was to have commenced for us last weekend with a home fixtureagainst Douglas. Unfortunately due to the city sides involvement in the u21football championship they were unable to play the game on either Saturday orSunday so the game went off. Our 2012 League campaign opens on St.Patricks Daywith an away game against Glen Rovers at 3pm.
We Recently played apractise game against Tipperary side Mullinahone in Rathcormac
After a poor firsthalf during which we were aided with a strong breeze the score was levelat half time at 7 points each. In the second period our lads put ina much improved performance and added nine further points while the visitorsdoubled their tally to leave the final score Bride Rovers ran out winners on ascoreline of 16 points to 14 points.
TeamF.Hogan,T.Moloney,D.Carr,S.Kearney,J.Pratt,B.Murphy,L.Forde,P.Murphy,S.Boyce,M.CollinsB.Johnson, D.Dooley,C Keeffe, S.Ryan,J.Mannix
subs J.O Driscoll,M,Kearney,DRryan,B ODriscoll,R.Cahill,F.Collins,B.Collins,G.Quill.
Co. SHC.
Its only mid March but the dates for the Co SHC games have been announced. Our first round game v Erins Own is fixed for Carrigtwohill on Sunday May 27th at 7pm. The only Co. Fixture in Pairc na Bride is the Glanmire V Kildorrery IFC game on Sunday May 6th at3pm.
Our first round gamein the East Cork Junior A Grade Football championship against Aghada has beenfixed for Friday night March the 23rd. The time is 7.30 but the venue has not been finalised yet.
Our Minor Footballers playedtwo game in the Co B League recently On Saturday week we were away to Ballinora and were well beaten on a scoreline of3 6 to 0 2. On the following Monday night we travelled to Pairc Naomh Caitrionaigh in Ballynoe to play St. Catherines under lights. This was actually a home fixture for us butin order to get the game played at an earlier date we conceded home advantage.Thos was our fifth game in the league and having suffered four heavy defeats itwas great to have a competitive game between two evenly matched teams. At theend of the contest the teams were level on a scoreline of Bride Rovers 2 7 to St. Catherines 1 10.
The team line-outs were as follows.
V Ballinora;
Frank Hogan, Eoin Howard, Jacob Macak, Padraig Noonan, SeanCotter, Cian O Connor,Jack Kearney, David Quinn, Adrian Buckley, Tadhg OSullivan, William Finnegan, Stephen O Leary, Darren Moore, Liam O Leary, Colm Howard. Sub Jamie Buckley.
V St. Catherines;
Frank Hogan, Eoin Howard, Jacob Macak, Padraig Noonan, SeanCotter, Cian O Connor, Jack Kearney, David Quinn, Tadhg O Sullivan, WilliamFinnegan, Stephen O Leary, Jamie Buckley, Shane Walsh, Darren Moore, Liam OLeary,. Subs Colm Power & ColmHoward.
It was in Barry's Bar, Rathcormac that the Lotto took place on Tuesday February 28th for ajackpot of â¬7,000. The numbers drawn were 13/17/18& 20 and there was nojackpot winner.
The winners of the five â¬30 ''Lucky Dips' were;
.Marie Arnold c/o locallotto.ie
.Owen McAuliffe, Glanworth
.Aisling Walsh, Shanowen
.Levis Carey, Monanig
.Deirdre Broderick, Monanig.
Last week's draw took place in The Central Bar, Rathcormac Inn onTuesday March 6th for a jackpot of â¬7,200. The Numbers drawn were 6/12/26 &28 and there was no jackpot winner.
The winners of the five â¬30 'Lucky Dips' were;
.Padraig Noonan c/o The Central Bar
.Brian Carey c/o M.O'Flynn
.Ger Lane, Rathcormac
.Ella Barry, Knocknaboola
.Levis Carey, Monanig
This week's draw takes place in The RathcormacInn on Tuesday March 13th for a jackpot of â¬7,400.
Tickets for the Weekly Lotto are just â¬2 each and can bepurchased from Club Members and in local business outlets. The Tickets for theLotto can also be purchased online al locallotto.ie Your ongoing support forthe Lotto is very much appreciated. Ayearly Lotto ticket for â¬90 can also be purchased from Club Members.
Cork Hurlers in Action
After an exciting victory over Waterford in their opening game the Cork Hurlers were in confident mood on Sunday last when they faced the2011 NHL winners Dublin in Croke Park. After a great game of open, free scoringhurling the Leesiders came out on top by a single point.
Well the 2012 playing season is underway and the value is as good as ever at the BrideRovers Club Shop. We have a huge range of Stock just in. Jerseys, togs, Socks,Hoodies, Training Shorts, Track Suits, Training Tops, Gear Bags, Polo Shirts,Bottle Green Wind-Sheeters, Green Half Zip Hoodies, Rain Jackets, Beanie Hatsand Medal Boards are all available. Be seen to support your club with theclub colours and club gear. Ring 086 3807784 or 086 1540902 to purchaseall the above items.
Astro-Turf Available to Hire
The astro-turf pitch at Bride Rovers is available for hire by contacting James Bermingham on086 8350741. Pitch is suitable for 5 a side teams and costs â¬50 per hour withlights.
Membership of the Clubfor 2012 is now open. The Fee for Adult Players is â¬100, Students â¬40, Minorsâ¬30, Ordinary Club Membership â¬50. There is a special reduced Membership Fee ofâ¬20 for OAP's. The Membership fees can be paid to any Club Officer.
Best wishes tothe Ladies Club on their forthcoming busy weekend. On Sunday March 18th the Bride Rovers Club will host the Cork V Kildare Ladies National Football League game in Pairc na Bride. The following day the girls will play their first Senior game when Gabriel Rangers from thee Schull area of West Cork are visitors.
The Juvenileand Ladies GAA Clubs are planning a Trip to Carrigtwohill Drive In Movies Easter Monday night, for full details and booking; 087 8541630/086 8354177.
Set Dancing has undergone a huge revival in recent years and it is greatto see so many interested in this pastime. Weekly Classes in Set Dancing havecommenced each Wednesday night in the Rathcormac Inn and all are welcome.
The next Car Boot sale in Rathcormac is on Sunday April the 1st. Club members and supporters are asked to help out with the running of the Car Boot Sales. If you can give even just an hour it will be very appreciated. Contact any ClubOfficer.
The Bride Rovers GAA Club main sponsor is The Rathcormac Inn/Conversation Piece.