Happy Christmas to All..
Where did 2023 go? Well its gone and we are at year’s end and in the Christmas Season. It’s a time of year for reflecting and taking time out to be with family and friends and relaxing. On behalf of everyone involved with the Bride Rovers GAA Club in the parish of Rathcormac, Bartlemy and Kildinan may I take this opportunity to extend Christmas Greetings . We are lucky in the Rovers to have so many great members , players, supporters and sponsors. All are vital cogs needed for the smooth running of a Club that has grown so much in the last decade. With a myriad of teams covering boys and girls, men and women and close on 200 mentors it’s now a huge undertaking which needs many willing helpers. Thanks is genuinely extended to each and every one who helps in any way with the administration of the Club. We are always anxious for new players and members to join and you can be guaranteed a cead mile failte and a genuine welcome. We are deeply grateful to the hundreds of people in the Bride Rovers Club who freely give of their time in the promotion of Gaelic Games in our parish. This year, now in it’s final days, was certainly one of mixed emotions but we look forward with optimism and confidence to 2024. May all the Blessings of this Special Christmas Season come in abundance to you all. Have a great Christmas and a Bright New Year.
What a day last Saturday Dec 16th was for the Hurlers of St catherines and Castlelyons. Having successfully come through tough Munster Provincial Championships they faced into the unknown in All Ireland semi finals in Tullamore and Ballinasloe. Both were victorious and we heartily congratulate them as they prepare for All Ireland Club Finals. (I don’t like saying ‘I told you so’ but this scribe forecast that these two Clubs would reach the All Ireland Finals before either played a game in Munster!) A County getting to an All Ireland Final is mighty but pales into insignificance in comparison to a Club getting to play in Croke Park. It’s an absolutely unbelievable achievement to have two neighbouring Clubs from the Bride Valley qualify for National Finals. To walk out on the hallowed Croke Park pitch followed by neighbours, friends and relations from one’s own parish is so, so special. Both Clubs go into the January 13th Finals in a perfect situation having struggled in the semi against Easkey and Tooreen. Both will face Kilkenny opponents -it’s Castlelyons v Thomastown and St Catherines’s v Tullogher/Rosbercon. Thomastown easily beat Donegal’s Setanta and Similarly Tullogher/Rosbercon overcame Monaghan’s Castleblayney. The two Kilkenny Clubs are in the South of the County with both neighbouring Eddie Keher’s The Rower/Innistoige- hadly 20km of road separates the pitches of Tomastown and Tullogher/Rossbercon. These next few weeks will be magical as plans are made for the Big day in GAA Headquarters. How proud Mossy O Sullivan, Albert Griffin and Dave Hoare must be in GAA Heaven with the progress of St Catherines. The same with the likes of Jerry Barry, Tom Joe O Riordan and Oliver O Brien who gave so much to Castlelyons. Lads, we’d love to be there but ye are, chances like this don’t come too often so go on and make it a Cork Double.
The Lotto Results for Tuesday the 12th of December 2023 were as follows Numbers drawn were 5, 13, 15 & 24 and there was no jackpot winner on the night. Congrats to our five lucky dip €30 cash winners:Sean Mohally, Shanowen, Gerard Lane, Rathcormac, Daniel Lane, Gortroe,, Jake Tobin, Pairc ná Glas, Fergus Collins, Shanowen This week's jackpot on Tuesday December 19th was an incredible €14,000. On Tuesday night the Annual Christmas Draw also took place and the Confined Draw for Club 100 members. Tickets which are just €2 each can also be purchased from Club members and in local business outlets. An Annual Lotto Ticket would make an ideal present for a friend or a family member at home or abroad at this Christmas Season -contact Club Cisteoir Aiden Dorgan. Social Media can spread the message far and wide so please let everyone, everywhere know that Bride Rovers GAA Club is always appreciative of support from all corners of the world. Thank you again for all your ongoing efforts which are deeply appreciated.
FOOTBALL IN THE CLUB in the 1930’s.
In the 1932 East Cork Junior Football Championship (there was only one Grade back then, A Grade) the Rovers were drawn v Youghal. The Seasiders won the tie, played on July 24th, by 3 3 to 1 2. At the time some club members described the result as ‘a relief’ -they regarded football as ’something of a nuisance’! In 1933 the same two teams were again drawn against each other in the first round of the Football Championship. Despite ‘terribly inclement weather’ which caused many postponements the game went ahead in Lisgoold on Sunday March the 5th.Both teams apparently played several sweepers which kept scores at a minimum. In the end a draw was the result – both teams scored a goal each thus giving a 1 0 to 1 0 draw. Because of fading light cows to be milked and fish to be caught it was decided not to go to extra time and/or penalties! I still haven’t found details of the replay!
It’s become an annual fixture now on the Christmas Calendar and this year the Bride Rovers 5K goes ahead on December 26th at 11am. Participants can run, jog or walk as it’s a fun fundraiser as much as anything else. Competitors can complete the 5K course at their own pace. There will be prizes for best ladies, men, boys and girls. Come along even if you don’t want to take part and enjoy the guaranteed fresh air an the Second Day of the Twelve of the Christmas Season.
We started back on the 25 th of Feb this year and we were back into matches in March with our first game against Glenville away to blow off the cobwebs. Playing matches early in the season played a vital role in the development of the players. New skills were learned and the more physical side of the game was practiced in training. Shouldering, tackling, blocking and contesting possession was a big focus. While a lot of the boys excelled in the new skills like hitting the ball on the run and blocking, the most impressive aspect was seeing some of the so-called weaker players; work ethic coming to the fore. The gap between player abilities reduced significantly to the point where the lads now realise that working hard is as important as natural ability. There was also a significant change in the game aspect of training as we moved to games where we had 10+ players on many occasions as opposed to teams of 6/7 players. This is important for the development of all players as they get more touches, time on the ball and more opportunities to practice what we have covered in the training session in relation to positions and marking. The main highlights of the year were our trip to Kildare to the Gary Kenny Festival of Football which was a fantastic day trip and Celbridge were fantastic hosts. The players gave it their all and made it to the qtr finals. Our stars on the day were also interviewed live on Kildare FM. Thanks to the club for their financial support of the bus costs. We saw significant progress from the players in Oct so decided to keep training until the last weekend of Nov. But one item of importance which I feel attention is needed. The admin of the Go Games is very poor, we are often paired with the same teams repeatedly and usually only get notified the Tuesday before the match of who we are playing and if it’s at home or away. This makes is hard for parents and coaches with kids going in different directions with very little notice. Thanks to the amazing commitment of my fellow coaches. Brendan Lyons took the football sessions during the year and his prep work was outstanding for all sessions. Jim Purcell did a great job managing the attendance reports and Kevin Allen, Liam Buckley, Gary Clerkin, Dave Fitzpatrick, Barry &; Evelyn Murphy all made incredible selfless contributions again during the year. Finally, I would like to thank the parents who supported the players and coaches throughout the year. Prepared by: Dave Burke Fe 10 Runai.
As old as the GAA itself is the South Liberties Club based in he parish of Donoughmore-Knockea-Roxboro, on the southern outskirts of Limerick. Eamon Grimes, Pat and Bernie Hartigan and Joe McKenna and Barry and Declan Nash are some of the Club’s most famous hurlers. No doubt though of the Club’s most famous member and great sporting character, the one and only JP McManus.
A lifetime supporter of Liberties and Limerick the generosity of JP, Noreen and family has benefitted not only Limerick GAA but many, many other worthy projects across Irish society. Now the McManuses have made a donation of €32million to the GAA- a million for each County Board to be divided amongst all GAA units. Here in Cork each Club will receive maybe between €2000 and €3000, it’s a fantastic gesture from a great GAA man, thanks JP.
The Draws for the Cork GAA Championships were made last Thursday night. As the Groups took shape there were some intakes of breath, gasps and yelps of joy! Well if anyone wanted to get a bundle of Local Derbies they couldn’t have fixed it better. As a seeded team we were drawn out first in Group B of the Senior A Hurling Championship. Next came our East Cork rivals Cloyne. Next out were Fermoy and then Castlelyons. Already Clubs are applying to the Co Board to stage the Rovers v Fermoy and Rovers v Castlelyons and Castlelyons v Fermoy! Theses will be great games between near neighbours and of course Cloyne are not a million miles away either!
“An Caman”
Last weekend I was given the loan of a bundle of newspapers dating back 90 years, to the year of 1933. Theses were no ordinary papers but copies of a Publication I had never heard of. Called ‘The Camn’ it was basically a weekly GAA/Irish Ireland paper priced 2d. Incorporating the Gaelic league publication ‘An Claideamh Soluis’ and ‘Finne Gael An Lae’ I have no idea how long the paper was in existence. It’s an amazing picture of the GAA scene as it approached it’s Golden Jubilee in 1934. Written in English with lots of Gaelic articles as well. Each edition carried a page of ‘snippets’ collected by “Boyle Roche’s Bird” ! The writer here showed abhorrence of any kind of non-Irish dancing or entertainment and was forever praising the ceili dancing then very popular. In the edition of May 13th 1933 the following is noted “It is good news to hear accounts of Ceilidithe run by the GAA Clubs of Ballinora, Ballincollig, St. Columbas, Rathcormac and Youghal. Can I add anymore to the list?” Results and fixtures right across the Country were regularly featured. Amazing that ninety years ago the GAA was able to produce a weekly paper and we’ve nothing like it today!
The Munster GAA Council in conjunction with Central Council has approved a €1.6m Club Development Grant Fund, which will cover capital grant works in clubs in Munster for 2022 and 2023. For the year 2023 Cork Clubs were granted a total of €447,553.. After purchasing the lands at Ballybrowney and commencing Development work there we submitted an Application some months ago to the Provincial Council. We were delighted to be informed by the Munster Council last week that we were awarded €34,273. It was the biggest Grant to any Cork Club and is a very welcome boost to our Finances as we face into the completion of our second new playing pitch this coming year. Thanks to all involved and those who supported our application.
Because of the GAA Split Season we now have the annual situation of All Ireland Hurling semi finals in December/ last week luckily ground conditions were great and most pitches were in great condition. We saw some great games across the Grades including the two Senior games. No matter what any Split Season Advocate will tell me I will never, ever accept the idea of our gret Club games being decided with penalties after extra time. It was close to ten o Clock last Saturday night when the Hurlers of St Thomas’ and Ballygunne left the pitch at O Moore park in Portlaoise. I think asking amateur players to play an hours night hurling in mid December and then extra time and then go to penalties is a disgrace. This simply should not be happening. The penalty kick or penalty puck in Gaelic Games is supposed to be a free awarded for a certain foul -no more and no less. Using this method to decide games at this level is terrible and I’ve yet to meet a hurling or football follower that thinks it’s a good idea.
CHRISTMAS DRAW 1927. At a Club meeting in November 1927 of the Rathcormac Hurling Club the Club’s financial position was seen as being ‘very weak’ .It was agreed to have an ‘Xmas Drawing’ (raffle). Tickets were to be printed costing 6d each. First prize was £1, second prize a Turkey and third prize a goose. The Draw was held at the clubrooms on Church Lane on Saturday December 18th. The results were published on The Cork Examiner the following Wednesday December 21st. 1st prize-winner was Dan Barry NT, Bartlemy. Miss K Kennedy of Fermoy won the turkey while Mrs M. Condon of Rathcormac won the goose. Interestingly less than a year later Dan Barry NT was appointed as Chairman of the newly founded Bride Rovers GAA Club.
A few years back as we began planning for our Club’s centenary in 2028 the Club 100 concept was put in place. It’s a method whereby supporters and benefactors of the Club can commit to heling the Bride Rovers GAA Club. All finance raised has gone into major Club developments in recent years. Now with massive 3 pitch Development project in Ballybrowney well under way we will need huge funds over the next decade. There are three levels of Club 100 membership; Gold, Siver and Bronze. The Gold membership costs €480 annually and for this on gets 2 Annual Club Lotto tickets plus,2 Rebel Bounty Draw Tickets and family Membership of the Club.
The Silver costs €360 and give 2 Lotto and 1 Rebel Bounty and Membership for 1 adult and 1 child or 2 children)
The Bronze option comes in at €240 and brings1 Annual Club Lotto ticket plus, 1 Rebel Bounty and individual Membership. Please consider joining our Club 100. Full details from any Club Officer.
Thanks to everyone who helped me in my role as Club PRO in 2023, to the management and Staff of the Avondhu for their mighty coverage of our games, to all our Club contacts who supply me with reports and pictures and to Fr Joe O Keeffe PP for use of Parish Newsletter. Have a Happy, Peaceful and Holy Christmas and a great New Year in 2024.
On Wednesday night in Bartlemy hall Janey O Driscoll won the €1800 prize on offer in the Bishop O Brien NS 'Split The Bucket' Christmas Draw. Well done Janey.
There's money in Scrap truly there is ! During the Oskars Fundraisers scrap metal collection figured largely and brought in great finance. We recently sent the last load for 2023. Thanks to everyone who supported this venture- those who collected, transported and donated scrap and batteries. Our next collection will be in March. Ring 087 9538077 if you have anything from a wheelbarrow to a combine harvester.
Lotto Result: 19th of December 2023 - Numbers this week were 5, 7, 14 & 15 - No Winner
Congrats also to our lucky dip €50 cash winners:
Winners for our Xmas draw spot prizes are as follows
1. Elm Tree Voucher from Ger Gubbins Construction - Seán Quirke
2. Hanna's Hamper from Dave Quirke Orla Arnold, Bartlemy
3. Hamper from Bride Rovers Camogie Club - Moloney Bros, Rathcormac
4. Cummins Sport Voucher from Flamingo Redz - Kieran Cahill, Glencairn
5. Voucher for Flamingo Redz - Fergal Somers, Ballinagore
6. Voucher from Hive Fitness - Bronagh Cleary, Pairc an Óir
7. Voucher from Yoga and Meditation - Six Receding Hairlines (c/o Richie, Jerome and Ray)
8. Bottle of Whiskey from Club Member - Dermot Dorgan, Glenagoul
9. Bottle of Wine from Bride Rovers Camogie Club - Joan Dorgan, Kildinan
10. Gin and Chocolates from Club Member - Maria O'Sullivan, Kildinan
11. Chocolates and Wine from Club Member - Johann Scollard, Ballinagore
12. Bottle of Jameson from Fermoy Print and Design - Aideen McGrath, c/o LAYA
13. Bottle of Vodka from Sheila and Liam Mannix, Barry's Bar - Sharon Dorgan, Bartlemy
14. Bottle of Whiskey from Cavanagh's, Fermoy - Dave Quirke, Glenakip
15. Voucher from Robert Ryall Farm Machinary Watergrasshil - Daniel Carey, Monanig
16. Voucher from Ryall and O'Mahony, Midleton - Seamus and Ann Collins, Mullintoura
17. Cork Jersey from Club Member - Six Receding Hairlines (c/o Richie, Jerome and Ray)
18. Cork Jersey from Club Member Nigel Murphy, Castlemagnier
19. Floral Display from Tirlán Castlelyons - Anna Hogan, Mondaniel
20. Red and White Wine from Bride Rovers GAA Club - Catherine Murphy, Ballyroberts
21. Red and White Wine from Bride Rovers GAA Club - Fintan Lawlor, Monanig
22. Red and White Wine from Bride Rovers GAA Club - James Hogan, Rathcormac
23. Red and White Wine from Bride Rovers GAA Club - Anne O'Leary
24. Red and White Wine from Bride Rovers GAA Club - Orla McCarthy, Ballyhooley
25. Red and White Wine from Bride Rovers GAA Club - Joan Dorgan, Glenagowl
26. Chocolate and Umbrella - Aoibhean and Olan O'Driscoll, Monanig
Next week's jackpot is an incredible €14,200.
If your ticket has expired we would appreciate if you would enter again via https://bit.ly/
Thank you again for all your support.
Bride Rovers GAA Club
2 Pairc Ui Chaoimh Premium Tickets Catherine Murphy.
€500 Lorraine Cuffe
€100 each to Rose & Pa O'Leary, John Madden, Ken O'Riordan, Billy & Carmel Finnegan, Patrick Croke, Seamus Farrell, Michael Walsh (Hightown), Dick & Elanor Kearney, Kenneth Drury, David Fitzpatrick.
BRIDE ROVERS CLUB SPONSORS are; Rathcormac Tyres, Fermoy Print & Design, Gerard Gubbins Construction and Veolia