Positive AGM..
A record attendance came to the Club Annual general meeting on Monday night November the 20th in the Clubrooms. Chairman Pa O Driscoll welcomed everyone to the 2023 AGM and thanked those who had helped throughout the year. Apologies were read from six members who could not attend on the night. The first item on the Agenda were the Minutes of last year’s AGM which were read by Club Runai Michael Carey. These were proposed, seconded and adopted. Then came the Secretary’s Annual Report for 2023. The Report was a detailed account of all The Club Activities for the past year. Over 33 pages, which included 89 photographs, the Runai covered all the playing and non-playing activities of Bride Rovers during 2023. As well as reports from the team Managers for Senior, Junior A, and Junior C Hurling, Junior A Football and Junior C Football and under 19 & 21 Hurling and football details of all other facets of the Club were dealt with. These included Child Safeguarding Report, Give Respect, Get Respect, Juvenile Subcommittee Report, Development of Pynes Field No 1,, The Night At The Oskars, healthy Club -Ireland Lights Up, Honouring our Winning Teams, Grounds Committee, Safe Clubs Programme, , Commemorating Dave Ryan, Car Boot Sale, Scor-Culture agus an Gaeilge, Weekly Club Lotto, , Club 100 Membership Scheme, match Day Committee, Sponsorship, Public Relations, Catering Committee, Tony Walsh Tournament, Inter-County Representation, and Club Referees. After each report was dealt with a Club Member dealing with that section spoke. The Annual Report and discussion on it took just over an hour to deal with. The year 2023 will be long remembered as the year of The Oskars and the Objection- these highs and lows were discussed.
The Senior Hurling Report was as follows; It is difficult to put into words the huge disappointment of this year’s campaign. Having at one stage enjoyed the elation of being in a county final, but then having it snatched away in an unsporting manner by an objection from Blarney. While we admit we had 16 players on the field for an 8 second period in injury time of extra time, the decision by the County Board to order a replay was unjust, it certainly was a case of the punishment did not fit the crime. While this semi-final replay defeat dominates the headlines, we still had many positives during the year. - Winning the Tony Walsh Memorial Hurling Tournament - Four more U19’s making Senior Hurling Championship debuts - Unbeaten in the Round Robin series with 3 wins over Na Piarsaigh, Killeagh and Inniscarra - Ensuring that we are seeded for the 2024 Championship draws - Further progress in the area of Strength & Conditioning under Will Twomey this year Thanks to everyone for their hard work over the past 12 months, especially the players who gave huge commitment week in week out. Special thanks to our Coach, Pat Walsh, his passion and dedication for the club is incredible. Thanks to Noel Crowley (Selector), Will Twomey (S&C), Ray Hegarty & John O Sullivan (Logistics), Stephen Bopper Hackett (Asst. Coach), Frank Hogan for Stats, Declan , Oran & Darragh Kielty for Video Analysis & GPS, our medics Devon & Chloe & everyone else who helped out along the way. Thanks to the Club Chairman and Secretary for their help & hard work on the various appeals and hearings we had during the year. Thank you to the club executive and officers for their support during the year and also the Grounds staff for always have the pitch looking so well. Finally, we wish Brian Murphy & the incoming management every success in 2024. The full report can be read here https://sportlomo-userupload.s3.amazonaws.com/uploaded/galleries/8103_uploaded/f61f6239a62984419309beb1e99142d5f3fb1c0b.pdf
Pic Main Club Officers for 2024
It was noted in the February executive meeting that… We will hold an OsKaRs fundraising event on Friday 26th of May in the Rochestown Park Hotel, where all funds raised (hopefully €50,000) will be going towards the imminent development of new playing fields in Pynes. 100+ people are required to make the event a success. An information evening for all budding actors will be held on Wednesday March 8th at 7.30pm where the process will be further explained. It was agreed to proceed with the event, proposed by the sub-committee and seconded by John Arnold. At that point, little did we know that Evelyn Murphy and Bridgee Collins had created a monster! The casting evening and the launch night took place in late March in Barry’s Bar. Rehearsals for the near 100 amateur actors within the seven movies took place across April. Filming, involving another 100 strong ‘extras’ then ran across two weekends in late April/early May. The OsKaRs event itself took place on Friday 26th of May in the Rochestown Park Hotel with over 650 in attendance. Sponsorship was sought and a wider subcommittee worked on this. East Cork Oil and the Pyne family came on board as the main sponsors of the event, with other companies contributing significantly as Movie and Award Sponsors. As a results, over 53 companies contributed and were subsequently approached regarding pitchside hoarding, which was erected, as appropriate, to acknowledge their corporate funding contributions. The fundraising undertaken through various events and activities by the different film casts.
A cháirde, It is my privilege to present my second secretary’s report and I wish to thank all who have contributed to the report in the last fortnight, and all who supported me in the role during 2023. This report, along with Anne Marie O’Donovan’s Ladies Club report last week and Emma Roddis’ forthcoming Juvenile Club report serve to capture the impact that the club has on the local community; from the academy mornings and evenings within the juvenile and ladies’ clubs, to the platform for sport and recreation that we give our adult players and club members. This year, the ‘Ireland Light’s Up’ and the ‘Night at the Oskars’ initiatives served to open (or re-open) the door to many in our community who may not normally associate with the club – and this is extremely important and positive. I thank everyone who gives time to the club – players, mentors, officers, committee members, sponsors, and supporters. There are many talented individuals contributing to the club - some in ways that are not always visible to the eye - but all which hold huge impact. In the context where our membership numbers and facilities are expanding, I ask you to remain involved and contribute, especially through team management roles, officer roles and through the committees. Our club is in a healthy position, especially in the context of the development of our new playing fields in Pynes, but we must remain vigilant. We must continue to • allow as many players as possible the opportunity to play both codes as they transition to adult level. Are we encouraging both codes throughout the club? Will three hurling teams and one football team be sufficient in 2028? Is it sufficient now? • continually promote ‘respect’ as a cornerstone of our club culture. It must inform strongly how we interact internally within our club and in our dealing with other clubs, referees, and officials. After a challenging end to 2023 and a change of personnel regarding Child Safeguarding into 2024, everyone needs to ensure we are representing the club with integrity, in an appropriate and decent manner. We must also have the confidence to ‘pull each other up’ if not. • continue our efforts for best practice and transparency in terms of club finance and fundraising, perhaps in further collaboration with the Ladies Club. • be mindful of the discussions nationally regarding the ‘One Club’ model. I wish to place on record my sincere thanks to Pa and Aiden and all the officers for their huge contributions. I wish everybody associated with Bride Rovers an enjoyable and restful Christmas period and a happy and prosperous New Year. Go raibh míle mhaith agaibh,.The Runai’s Report was warmly acknowledged by applause and was adopted. Next up was Aiden Dorgan’s six page Treasurer’s Report. This was the Financial Statement for the Bride Rovers Club for year ending October 31st 2023. It was a detailed and comprehensive Account with record-breaking Income of over half a Million Euro. Aiden said the income from the Night At The Oskars project and the Tomar Trust were massive boosts to the Club. Expenditure on Pitch No 1 in Pynes is fully paid off. We have provision in our Finances to cover the Cost of Pitch No 2 in 2024. We still have very large Debts to be paid off over the coming years. Aiden stressed the vital importance of the Lotto and the Club 100 for Club Finances..
In his Chairman’s address Pa O Driscoll said it was a strange year for the Club- the best of times and the worst of times. He tanked all the Executive members, fellow Officers and Sub Committee members for their trojan work in 2023. He praised the ladies and Juvenile section for their work with ever increasing numbers and wished the Club every success in 2024. Officers for 2024
Chairman Pa O Driscoll, Vice ch mark O Connell, Runai Ml Carey, Asst Sec Rosarii Kielty, Treas Aiden Dorgan, asst Treas Pat Cullotty, PRO John Arnold
(We will have details of Team Managers, Selectors et next week)
On Wednesday of last week the boys team from Bishop O Brien NS Bartlemy contested the nine a side football Final in Pairc Ui Chaoimh. It was a marvellous occasion. The colour and massive cheering from the Bartlemy supporters was a joy to behold. Unfortunately Ballynoe NS proved too strong for our lads on the day. Nevertheless getting to the Final and playing in Pirc Ui Chaoimh was a brilliant experience. Well done lads and well done to the School Staff.
Bride Rovers GAA Club Lotto Results for Tuesday 14th of November 2023 - Numbers drawn were 13, 20, 30 & 32 – there was No Jackpot Winner. Congrats to our lucky dip €30 cash winners: Faye Ryan, Mondaniel, O’Leary Girls, Ballyreidy, Louie Roche, Ballynanelagh, Amanda O’Brien c/o Pat @ Laya, Bill Sheehan c/o Online LottoThis week's Jackpot on Tuesday November 21st was an incredible €13,200. If your ticket has expired we would appreciate if you would enter again via https://bit.ly/
Normally the song ‘Bride Roers Abu’ written in the 1930’s by Billy Barry (Hightown & Mondaniel) is only mentioned on big match days. It was unusual then at Turtulla, Thurles on last Sunday to see a four year old gelding carrying the name ‘Bride Rovers Abu’ entered in the Maiden race for 4 year old geldings. Trained by Mary E. Doyle of Wexford and owned by the Baltimore Stables Syndicate- we’ll have research the horses ‘genealogy’ and keep an eye out for the future!
The AGM of the Bride Rovers Juvenile GAA Club takes place on Wednesday week December the 6th in the Clubrooms at 8pm. All are welcome.
Our annual Christmas Draw will be held in conjunction with the weekly Lotto on the Tuesday before Christmas, December 19th. On that night also will be held the special Draw confined to Club 100 Members. First prize in this draw will be two Season Stand Tickets for Pairc Ui Chaoimh for 2024. There will be refreshments served on the night so all are welcome.
Congrats to our neighbouring Clubs Castlelyons and St Catherines on progressing to Munster Finals last weekend. On Saturday at Pairc Ui Rinn the Saints had a comfortable win over Ballynahinch from Tipperary. Then on Sunday at high and windy Mount Coal in Kilflynn outside Tralee Castlelyons had an extra time win over local Crotta O Neill.. The first weekend of December, 2nd or 3rd,will see both Clubs in Provincial Final action. St Catherines will face Feenagh/Kilmeedy of Limerick while Castlelyons meet Corofin of Clare. We wish both local Clubs all the very best.
It was a historic Day for Millstreet GAA Club as the Quiz team of Pat Sheehan, Con Healy, Jerry Doody and John Tarrant brought home the All-Ireland Title from the Scór Sinsir All Ireland Finals 2023 held in the INEC, Killarney on last Saturday, well done lads.
.Bride Rovers lads played their second round of the Under 16 Hurling championship on Sunday 19th November at 3pm in Pairc Na Bride in Rathcormac.
Opposition on the day was Carrigtwohill, we were going really well in the first half taking nice scores from awkward angles. A little bit of ‘handbags’ started and unfortunately our wing back saw red but we still went in at half time 7 points up .
In the second half we started and played well, and then we had two injuries which meant we had to move lads around and it affected our shape. We still led after 60 minutes but Carrigtwohill drew level in injury time of the second half and unfortunately we lost out in the extra time. ,Many thanks to our sponsor Fitzy Fast Food .
Jack Hynes, David o Connell, Ronan Barry, Jamie Walsh ,Adam Cronin ,Tomas o Riordan, Denis Fitz, Cormac Barry, Jack Collins, Sean Dowling, Conor o Riordan, Shane o Dowd, Matthew Kenny, Gearoid o Connell, Jack Mannix (Capt) Darragh Delaney, David Cash ,Thomas Hackett, Shane Prendergast, Garry Quirke ,Cathal Barry, Darragh Delaney.
Best wishes to Glanworth’s harbour Rovers in the County Junior A Hurling Championship Final against Nemo rangers. Thea trainer is our own Stephen Glasgow. Led by the late Seanie O Brien Harbour Rovers won the County JBHC in Pairc na Bride a good few years back when they defeated Rathpeacon. The oldest Rathcormac Hurling team picture we have is from 1926 when Glanworth played Rathcormac in a practise game. Come on the Harbour!
We play Killeagh next Saturday in Round 2 of the East Cork under 21 Hurling Championship. We bet Sars in Round 1 and Sars beat Killeagh. The game is in Rathcormac at 2.30pm.
The next Car Boot Sale is on Sunday week Dec 3rd and plenty help is needed.
Best wishes for speedy recoveries to Nellie Barry and Teresa Power.
Sympathy is extended to the Gubbins family on the death of Marys mother Maureen and to the Arnold family on the death of Helen’s mother Brid Galvin.
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