AGM Next Monday..
The Agony and the Ecstasy is an American film produced in 1965. The film focuses on the personal conflict between sculptor-painter Michelangelo and his patron, Pope Julius II during the years 1508 -1512. It deals with highs and lows and could well describe this year of 2023 for the Bride Rovers GAA Club. We had the absolutely wonderful and brilliant Oskars project in the early part of the year. The Oskars started out as a fundraising project but became much, more. In raising finance for our Pitch Development it surpassed our wildest dreams but as a Community ‘get together’ and a broadening of the Club base it was simply fantastic. The spirit, camaraderie, friendly rivalry and huge effort put in by literally hundreds of people in March, April and May was a joy to behold. It showed us so much talent, in the very broadest sense of that word, that we never knew existed in Bartlemy, Rathcormac and Kildinan. It wasn’t just the actual ‘Nite At The Oskars’ but the frenetic activity in the weeks preceding that brought us all so much pride. I’m sure no one will quibble when I pay special mention of Bridgee Ford and Evelyn Murphy who led the way, managed the project and presided over the whole vast array of arrangements that had to be made. Yes we truly experienced pure ecstasy during that wonderful, never-to-be-forgotten period. Back in June 1977 when the Club agreed to purchase 7 acres of land for £21,000 we faced bravely into a fundraising campaign. Now 46 years later as we faced into a Development Project which would cost the most of €1,000,000 that same never say die spirit of Bride Rovers came to the fore again. You know a lot of hard work goes into huge projects like ours but we are honoured to have so many outstanding, confident and proud members who only want to see the development and progress of the Club.
The agony of 2023 has been well aired over the last two months in regards our venture in the County Senior ‘A’ Hurling Championship. The bottom line is we made a mistake, a very minor one, on the night of the Blarney semi final game. Haven spoken to Gaels and Clubs all over the County and Country the consensus amongst all was that the Objection lodged against us was a most unsporting, mean, despicable and foul-spirited action. We always learned in the GAA that games should be won on the field not in Board rooms. The way we were treated in the County Bord’s CCC’s application of the Rule was shocking. The Referee’s Report was crystal clear that the extra player on our team for 11 seconds -nor the player being replaced, had any influence on the outcome of the game. Videos of the game confirmed this yet a replay was ordered. The subsequent debacle which lasted for over a month was like ‘kicking a man when he’s down’ or ‘rubbing our noses in it’. Then last week, at the last meeting of the Cork County Board for 2023, the manner in which we were dealt with as a Club was disgraceful and smacked of saying one thing and doing another. We issued a statement asking six pertinent and straightforward questions. To date not one of these has been answered.
Next Monday night at our Annual General Meeting we will reflect on the highs and lows of 2023 and make our plans for 2024. They say what doesn’t break you makes you stronger and that’s the attitude we have going forward. The AGM is an opportunity for members and intending members to express their views. We are always looking for new members in our Club. There’s a place for everyone in the GAA and that’s our motto too in the Bride Rovers Club. We have a huge Club now and there are many, many roles which need to be filled. We always want new team mentors and coaches and trainers. Perhaps you can cut grass, make tea, sell Lotto tickets, help with social-media, make flags, pick a few weeds, line the pitches, take photographs, paint, lock the gates or do a myriad of other tasks. If you can give an hour a week – more if you want, we need you in Bride Rovers. Do come along to the AGM on Monday night and be part of a great GAA Club. The meeting is timed for 8pm in the Clubrooms -ta failte roimh gach einne.
Our annual Juvenile Club Fundraising Quiz was held last Saturday night in the Rathcormac Inn under the guidance of our quizmaster Patrick Croke.
We had a total of 34 teams and the quiz was run using smartphones which added to the fun. Many thanks to all participants who've contributed to the Juvenile Club coffers by participating in the Quiz and supporting the raffle.
Many thanks to our sponsors who continue to support the Club and a special thanks to all those who gave raffle prizes on the night. Thanks to the Staff of the Rathcormac Inn and to Donal Arnold of TVM for providing the Public Address system. Pa O Driscoll’s was the winning team with John O'Sullivans team second and DJ’ Cahill’s 3rd. A word of thanks to Patrick Croke who did a wonderful job asking the Questions. It was great night with a mighty buzz around the place.
Rebel Og Under 16 Hurling.
We played the opening round of the 16 Hurling championship away to Cobh on a beautiful dry afternoon - last Sunday 12th November. The game was played in Pairc Ui Chonaill, the Cobh Club’s main pitch. Our lads were really looking forward to the match as their last competitive match at under 16 level was on May 14th in the league. With the under 13, under 15 and under 17 grades regarded in recent years as the ‘primary grades’ under 14 and under 16 have been sadly neglected. In fairness to the lads knowing it was knock out competition it was full steam ahead from the throw-in. We started off strongly and maintained the effort throughout the match. We wore our away jerseys Blue and Green not to clash with similar colours to Cobh, many thanks to ID sports for sponsoring the away kit. From the off our forwards took control and hit some greats cores. We were well on top in all areas and our defence was excellent. The Final score of Bride Rovers 7:15, Cobh 6 points showed our superiority. Well done lads on a great performance.
Team Jack Hynes, David Cash, Ronan Barry, David o Connell, Adam Cronin, Tomas O Riordan, Sean Dowling, Jack Collins, Cormac Barry ,Raied Gharib ,Conor O Riordan, Thomas Hackett, Jack Mannix (Capt) Denis Fitzgerald, Shane Prendergast, Shane o Dowd ,Jamie Walsh, Matthew Kenny.
Lotto Results for Tuesday 7th of November 2023 The 4 numbers drawn were 13, 19, 26 & 29 and there was No WinnerCongrats also to our lucky dip €30 cash winners:Alan, Anthony & Chris, c/o Rathcormac Inn, Sinead & Liam, Coolnakilla, Claire Scanlan, Ballyanealeagh,Noel Molan, Mondaniel, Finola Hogan, Kildinan This week's jackpot on Tuesday November 14th was an incredible €13,000. If your ticket has expired we would appreciate if you would enter again via https://bit.ly/
The next parish Car boot Sale is on Sunday the 3rd of December. Bride Rovers GAA Club members play a prominent role in the running of the Monthly Car Boot Sales and in turn the Parish Development Fund has been very good to us in helping to finance various developments over the last decade. Help is always needed on the day and on the Saturday morning before. If you can help contact any Committee Member.
Sad to learn of the death of one of Cork’s greatest sporting icons, Miah Dennehy. Though renowned as a talented and gifted soccer player Miah was also a brilliant hurler and Gaelic footballer especially at under-age level. He played Intermediate football with his beloved St Vincents in Pairc na Bride in the early 1980’s. Vincents played either Grange or Doneraile in that Co IFC match. May he rest in peace.
This date quarter of a century ago will long live in our memory. November 15th 1998 was a Sunday -a very special Sunday because on that date we won the Cork County Junior Hurling A Grade Championship. It was a historic first for the Club when we beat a tough Freemount side by 2 10 to 0 13 in heavy underfoot conditions. The following morning -this day twenty five years ago, we headed up Hollyhill for Bartlemy Village and another bonfire was blazing again as the East Cork and County Cups were proudly displayed. If anyone could have imagined that morning what the next 25 years would bring -well no one would have believed it!
The team that brought us glory a quarter of a century ago was Andrew O Flynn, Anthony Cahill, Niall Fitzgerald, Alan Broderick, Pat Barry, Barry Murphy, Pat Walsh, Donal Ryan Captain, Batt McHugh, Padraig Murphy, James Murphy, Mike Hogan, Jerome O Driscoll, Sean Ryan, Terry Broderick, Shane Hogan, Richie Cahill, Martin O Flynn, Batt O Connell, Cormac Howard, John O Dowd, Liam Barry, mark O Connell, Michael Kearney, Dermot Johnson and Declan O Donovan. Theses were our heroes then and will be forever.
It’s the season of major GAA Meetings. The next few weeks sees a busy Diary with gatherings at all levels. Monday November 20th Bride Rovers AGM, Wednesday November 29th East Cork GAA convention in Youghal GAA Club, East Cork Scor AGM in Lisgoold Friday Dec. 1st in Lisgoold. Tuesday December 12th cork gaa convention..
After hours and hours of debate it’s been agrees that for 2024 the Minor Grade will be for players under 18 though inter-county Minor will still be under 17. Under a system called ‘decoupling’ Minor players not yet 18 cannot play Senior, Intermediate or Premier Junior. They may however play Junior A, B or Junior C.
When the 7 men met at Miss Hayes’ Hotel in Thurles on Nov 1st 1884 and founded the GAa just one of the 7 travelled from Cork. He was John McKay, a Journalist at the time with The Cok examiner. McKay was born in Downpatrick, Co. Down. He died in London December the 2nd 1923. The centenary of his death will be marked on Saturday Dec 2nd at his burial place in Kensal Green Cemetery in London. In 2009 the ‘GAA 125’ year a headstone for the McKay family was erected in Kensal Green.
This coming weekend is a big one in terms of East Cork teams in Munster Club Championship action. Our neighbours Castlelyons and St Catherines will both be bidding for Provincial Final Places. First into the fray are the Saints who take on Tipperary champions Ballinahinch on Saturday at half 1 above in Pairc Ui Rinn. The following day Castlelyons made the long journey into the Kingdom to take on Crotta O Neill’s. We wish both clubs all the very best.
Sarsfields beat Killeagh in their u21 game last weekend. This means our game against Killeagh will be vital one. The game is fixed for Rathcormac on Saturday week November the 25th at 2.30.
It’s going to be a novel County Junior Hurling Final this year. Two Clubs more renowned for their footballing prowess, Nemo Rangers and Glanworth’s Harbour Rovers will play the Final in Pairc Ui Rinn on Sunday week November the 26th. Harbour Rovers trained by our own Stephen Glasgow defeated East Cork winners Carrignavar in a high-scoring game last Saturday. Nemo scored a winning goal in the 63rd minute against Ballinora. We wish Harbour Rovers all the best after losing the County final a few years back to Lisgoold.
We extend our deepest sympathy to the O Sullivan and Hazelwood families on their recent bereavements.
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