Good Luck Ballygiblin..
This week we extend our very best wishes to the Ballygiblin Junior hurlers who contest the All Ireland Final on Saturday evening in Croke Park. The History makers from the village close to the Tipperary border are in the unique position of winning two successive Cork Championship titles, two Munster titles and now are back in the National Final for the second year. They lost out in last years decider but on Saturday they have a stronger side and crucially, a very experienced team that has grown in stature over the last two years. The opposition for Ballygiblin in Headquarters at 5 o clock on Saturday are Easkey from C. Sligo. Easkey are actually the Senior County Champions in Sligo but given the difference in County standards across the country Sligo’s Senior Champions are allowed compete in the Junior Championship. Best of luck to Ballygiblin from all in Bride Rovers. I know that with so many connections and friendships between the clubs a share of Rovers supporters will be walking down Jones’s Road about 4 o clock on Saturday. The All Ireland Intermediate Club final follows the Junior decider a 7pm. Monaleen from Limerick will meet Mayo’s Toureen.
Our 2023 Senior League Campaign begins on March 5th with an away gone to near neighbours, Fermoy. The League Programme spans March until the end of June. All games are fixed for the Sunday at 11.30 unless both Clubs agree otherwise well in advance and inform the Co. Board. Our full League programme is as follows;
March 5th (Hurling, Round 1 v Fermoy, away
March 19th (Hurling, Round 2 v Ballincollig, home
April 2nd (Hurling, Round 3 v Newtownshandrum, away
April 16th (Hurling, Round 4 v Mallow, home
April 30th (Hurling, Round 5 v Midleton, away
May 14th (Hurling, Round 6 v Bishopstown, home
May 28th (Hurling, Round 7 v Courcey Rovers, away
June 11th (Hurling, Round 8 v St.Finbarrs, home
June 25th (Hurling, Round 9 v Glen Rovers, away)
July 2nd - July 9th (Hurling League Finals).
On Sunday May 6th 1888 Bartlemy and Ballyhooly hurling teams met in the first game of the Ballyhooly Tournament.
“The field, which was well suited for the purpose, was close to the railway station.”
“ The first teams to don the Gaelic costume on the field were the Ballyhooly and Bartlemy hurling clubs who commenced play shortly before three o clock. Bartlemy won the toss and elected to play with the wind, which was strong, in their favour. Immediately the ball was set in motion, Ballyhooly was put on the defence by the skilful play of their opponents, who several times charged on their goal, but only succeeded in gaining a point. For some time the ball was kept in almost neutral ground until just before call of time Bartlemy putting on a spurt placed another point to their credit. On change of sides Ballyhooly worked well, and succeeded in a short time in effecting a point which was closely followed up by another. Both teams being now equal in score strove hard for victory, but Bartlemy getting a run by the sideline placed a third point to their credit and immediately after time was called, when the score stood -Bartlemy 3 points, Ballyhooly 2 points, Bartlemy thus winning by one point. Umpire for Bartlemy -Mr William Barry,. Umpire for Ballyhooly – Mr. P. Grant, Fermoy. Referee -Mr. Wm. Troy , Fermoy”
All in Bride Rovers extend best wishes to Kilworth’s Will Twomey and Helene O Sullivan who were married recently. Will is a GAA legend in Kilworth and assisted us as S& C Coach last year.
The Lotto Result for Tuesday 3rd of January 2023, the first Draw of the New Year; - the four numbers drawn were 7, 20, 21 & 26 and there was No Winner. Well done to our lucky dip €30 cash winners: Pa Kearney, Ballyduff, Sean O’Meachair, c/o Online Lotto, Charlie Scanlan, Ballynanealgh, Liz Healy, c/o Online Lotto and Mike Walsh, Mondaniel. The Jackpot for Tuesday January 10th was an incredible €6,000. If your ticket has expired or you would like to purchase for the first time, please enter WEEKLY CLUB LOTTO.via http://bit.ly/
75 YEARS AGO. -1948.
The Bride Rovers Junior Hurlers suffered a very heavy defeat, by 11 3 to 1 5 against Russell Rovers in the 1947 East Cork Junior A Grade Championship so expectations were not very high for the following season. Three of the 1947 side were gone for 48 -all had transferred back to their ‘home’ clubs, Danjoe McCarthy and Jim Ryan to Dooneen Rovers and Bartholomew (Bertie)O Connor back to Castlelyons. Teams were drawn v Midleton in A grade hurling, v Watergrasshill in B grade hurling and v Midleton in Junior Football. The Minor side, St Batholomew’s were pitted against (one of the ‘Ancestors’ of Erin’s Own). Having beaten Midleton in the first round of the JAHC by 7 5 to 2 3 the Rovers went down by 6 6 to 2 3 in the second round. The B grade team won the first round but gave a walkover to Cobh in the second round. Best performances came from the Minor hurlers. They beat leeside, Sars, and St Erasamus(Aghada) to reach the Final v Midleton. Willie Moore from Ballincurrig, James O Donell, Paddy Meade and Tom Joe O Riordan from Castlelyns all played with the Minor team. Cork Minor Willie Moore got injured before the Final which was played behind Tattans Pub at Dooneen, Leamlara. Midleton won by 7 3 to 5 2. The Club was in some disarray with a debt of £100 but Batt Maye, Mike Howard and other members organised a series of Dances and Concerts with the Mitchelstown Amusement Company in attendance. The debt was completely cleared. One concert was held in Rathcormac School on Sunday 13th of February in 1949. During the concert came the awful news that Denis Barry, Bartlemy -his brother Batt was at the concert, had been killed in a hunting accident in Castlelyons.
100 YEARS AGO 1923.
The Civil War in the early part of 1923 curtailed most of the GAA activity in Cork. In the autumn the County Senior H Championship was competed. Blackrock defeated Castletreasure in one semi final while St Finbarr’s beat St Marys in the second semi. The Barrs defeated the Rockies in the County Final. In April the Rathcormac Coursing Club had a notice on the Cork Examiner extending sympathy to Thomas Quirke, William Thompson and Maurice Canning on their recent bereavements. In November 1923 newly established Garda Stations were opened at Glanmire, Rathcormac, ballygurteen, Drimoleague and Ballymakeery.
Scor na nOg -under 17.
Divisional Finals – To Be Decided by Divisional Scór Committees. To be completed by/on Domhnach, 12ú Márta
Craobh Chorcaí (County Final) - Dé Sathairn, 25ú Márta, Lár Ionad CLG Éire Óg
Craobh na Mumhan - Dé Sathairn, 15ú Aibreán
Craobh na hÉireann - Dé Sathairn, 6ú Bealtaine,3 i.n., Gleneagle INEC Arena, Cill Airne, Co. Chiarraí
Scor na bPaisti for National School Pupils;
Divisional Rounds & Finals - TBD by Divisional Scór Committees. To be completed on/by Dé Sathairn, 4ú Márta
Babhtaí Leathcheannais Chorcaí -
Dé hAoine, 10ú Márta, LárIonad CLG Éire Óg
Dé Sathairn, 11ú Márta, Lár Ionad CLG Éire Óg
Craobh Chorcaí (Co. Final)- Dé Sathairn, 1ú Aibreán, LárIonad CLG Éire Óg.
The first Parish Car Boot Sale for 2023 will go ahead on the last Sunday in January, January the 29th. It’s a few weeks away but now’s a great time for Resolutions so if you can give an hour or two to the Car Boot Sale please contact Billy Finnegan or Mossie O Sullivan. Many hands make light work.
Through the Ireland Lights Up campaign, Bride Rovers are encouraging people of all ages and abilities up to get active through walking. Each Monday night, from next Monday January 16th, you are invited to meet the group at the main pitch (large Astro) at 7.30pm. Together, we hope to walk three to four laps of the village to cater for all walking fitness levels.
Well done to our Healthy Club sub-committee – Orla Dorgan, Catherine Hegarty and Brenda Ryan – on leading this initiative. Please dust down the runners and get your reflective bib on and join the fun. A registration link will be included in next week's update.
Before matches begin keep four dates in the Diary -this coming Friday night January 13th and also the 20th and 27th and the first Friday of February. On each of these nights the Blackwater Fit Up Festival will be based in Bartlemy Hall. Four great Drama Productions will be staged and all support would be most welcome. This Friday night at 8pm it’s Michael Ryan and Sean Kelleher in the hilarious ‘The Parish’
Back in the 1880’s when the GAAwas first organised in the parish Fr Edmond Barry PP was the main man. There was no shortage of players and though teams were 21 a side Fr Barry had plenty players still available to play for a Third Team. This 3rd Team became known as the ‘Holy Terrors’ and had their first game ever in the Glenville tournament -where they were well beaten by a strong City Team’ “The next match was St Marys, Cork and Bartlemy3rd. In this match it was evident that the St. Mary’s were an over match, their opponents, a first class team, while bartlemy3rd, are only youths of eighteen and twenty. A few more matches with outside teams will do them a wonderful lot of good” No score was given but it was St. Mary’s ‘First’ team.
On next Tuesday January the 17th the first meeting of the County Board will be held. With the GAA National Congress coming up in February issues like motions and the GAA Presidency may well be discussed.
Gerard Gubbins got his racing season off to a good start with a nice double at Youghal on Monday last January 2nd. Hollyhill Sonny and Hollyhill Sassy both obliged on the night with impressive runs. A local treble was completed with Willie Kelleher’s Corrin Ava also coming home a good winner.
We have now nearly 200 local families and individuals who have joined the Club 100 scheme since it commenced in 2017. It is essentially a membership package which includes entries to the Bride Rovers weekly lotto and the Rebel Bounty monthly draws. While the gold package may be attractive (and represents good value) for families, the silver or bronze package may be attractive to players or individual members who wish to spread payments across the calendar year. With plans for huge expenditure on our New Playing Pitch Complex at Ballybrowney we welcome new member to this initiative. A brochure is available and feel free to contact club treasurer Aiden Dorgan on 085 7124312 or, indeed, any club officer if you wish to join the scheme.
The Bride Rovers Club extends deepest sympathy to our colleague Paddy O Donoghue and family Fermoy on the death of Paddy’s father Michael, also to the Fenton family Ballinahina on the death of Pauline wife of the late John Fenton, also to the O Callaghan family Kilworth on the death of Seanie, a great GAA and greyhound man. We also extend our sympathy to our St. Stephen’s Day 5K winner, James McCarthy of Ballincurrig, on the death of his aunt Ann Leahy of Dungourney. May all those who have passed away Rest In Peace.
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