New opponents for 2023..
We’re barely finished the 2022 playing season and now our focus is turning to 2023 already. Last Sunday in Cork the shortest ever County GAA Convention was held. Long gone are the marathon Conventions where we had hours of debate on numerous Motions, policy, the future of hurling and many other items. Nowadays the concept of ‘streamlining’ has come into practise which shortens everything. In essence very few Motions can be debated because so much of Cork and National GAA policy is ordered, amended and put forward by Croke Park. With the old knockout Championship formats now confined to history the same cut and thrust and excitement isn’t attached the Draws’ anymore. I suppose ‘Draws’ is probably the wrong term because all we got on Sunday evening at the conclusion of the Convention was the Groupings for the various Competitions for next year. With the last two years we had both Ballymartle and Ballyhea in our Group. It’s all different this time however as we have Na Piarsaigh, Killeagh and Inniscarra in our foursome. It could be the Group described as those coming and going. Both ourselves and Killeagh competed in the Senior A hurling Championship in 2022 but our other 2023 opponents didn’t. Na Piarsaigh were relegated from the Premier Senior Competition and Inniscarra are up Senior for the first time ever, having won a great Premier Intermediate Championship. We were drawn in Group A. With all Cork Championships now containing twelve team the two other groups in the Senior A HC are Group B Courcey Rovers, Ballyhea, Newcestown and Blarney and Group C Fermoy, Cloyne, Carrigtwohill and Mallow. We last played Inniscarra back in 2003 when we met in the County Intermediate Final, a glorious day for Bride Rovers, taking the title and getting Senior Status. We defeated na Piarsaigh in Midleton and Killeagh beat us in Ballynoe in 2009. It was in early may of 209 that we met Killeagh in Ballynoe and lost by 3 15 to 0 16. Our team on that occasion was
D. Fitzgerald A Collins 01 B Walsh T Moloney Barry Murphy Brian Murphy James Murphy P Murphy B Johnson 0 4 S Ryan 0 4 J O Driscoll 0 4 M Kearney M Collins 0 1 D Ryan C O Keefe Subs T Broderick 0 2 D Dooley 0 2 S Boyce & N Fitzgerald. For 2023 previous form wont count so already we are looking forward to these games.
WELL DONE ST. COLMAN’S. Congrats on a great win to St Colmans College under 16 hurlers who defeated Midleton CBS in the Cork Colleges under 16 Hurling Final. The game was played in the Pairc Ui Chaoimh 4g pitch last Friday and Colmans won a thriller by 3 18 to 3 15. Well done to thew 5 Bride Rovers players involved; Thomas O Riordan, Conor O Riordan, Cormac Barry, Gearoid O Connell and Denis Fitzgerald. With O Callaghan and Harty Cup games coming up it’s a busy time for all the hurlers in St. Colmans. Go neiri an t-adh libh go leir.
SENIOR HURLING LEAGUE 2023. The RED FM SHL for next year e will commence on March 5th with further games on march 19th, April 2nd 16th and 30th, may 14th and 28th and June 19th and 25th. In our Group are Ballincollig, Bishopstown, Bride Rovers, Courcey Rovers, Fermoy, Glen Rovers, Mallow, Midleton, St Finbarrs and Newtownshandrum.
LOTTO JACKPOT NOT WONWell we started off on last Tuesday night December the 6th with a jackpot of €5000. The four numbers drawn were 3,13, 14 and 31 and no ticket had those four numbers on the night. The €30 Luck Dip prizes got a great scatter from Ottawa to Kilbehenny and around Rathcormac. Details ; €30 each to Leo Caisse, Ottawa, Vincent Cronin, Rathcormac,, Aiden Dorgan, Shanowen,, Louis Roche, Ballynanelagh, Pa Slattery, Kilbehenny. If your ticket has expired or you would like to purchase for the first time, please enter via http://bit.ly/
5K on St. STEPHEN’s DAY Bride Rovers Juvenile Club are running their annual 5k fun run / walk on St Stephens Day, beginning at 11.00. This is always a great race with such a variety of participants from the seasoned runners to families looking to walk off the turkey taking part. With so many locals now taking up running it promises to be a great fun event. Prizes range from 1st man/ woman and 1st over and under 12 boy and girl. There will be loads of spot prizes on the day.
BALLYGIBLIN ON THE ROAD. These are very special times for the Ballygiblin GAA Club. Two Cork County Championships and two Munster Championships have been won by there outstanding hurling team. Next Sunday they make the short trip to famed Fraher Field in Dungarvan for an All Ireland Semi Final. With Easkey of Sligo playing Fullen Gaels the English Champions in the other semi final many hurling pundits are forecasting that Ballygiblin’s tie against Wexford’s Horeswood is the ‘real’ Final. Best of luck to the bally boys and their supporters.
NEWS FROM CANADA. Ryan Prendergast getting on mighty over in Vancouver. Hurling with Cuchullians -there are 2 Clubs in Vancouver but Ryan says that with so many Irish there a third Club is starting up for 2023. The playing season is well finished but great friendship and craic all year round amongst the Irish community. I thought ‘twould be Artic there in December but he tells me its ‘4* or 5* most days -never thought ‘twould be colder in Bartlemy than Vancouver’ but that’s the way it is. We discussed the possibility of taking in Canada when the Bride Rovers Club goes on a World Hurling Tour. It depends on what finance we get from the EU and the GAA’s International Travel Fund.
WATTY GRAHAMS WIN ULSTER. In Scor competitions over the years we often came across the Watty Grahams Club also known as Glen from Co. Derry. They made history last Sunday in Armagh with a mighty win over reigning All Ireland Club Champions Kilcoo in the Ulster Final The Club is named after Watty (Walter) Graham from Glen, a Presbyterian, who fought and died with the United Irishmen in 1798.
WHO ARE THEY? With this weeks notes an old picture is included. It looks like a team picture taken in the 1890 to 1910 period. The picture may be of an old Bartlemy or Rathcormac Hurling team but we’re not certain. We do know the photograph went from Rathcormac to Midleton in the 1930’s and from there to Dublin. Last year a copy of the picture came into my possession. If anyone can bring forward any information please contact me at 087 9538077.
Well Done Cill Uird Ar son Fanuithe na Bride we say well done and congragulations to Kilworth GAA Club on winning a prestigious award from the Joe McDonagh Foundation- a a joint venture between the GAA agus Conradh na Gaeilge chun an Gaeilge a spreagadh. Joe Aherne of Kilworth GAA accepted the Silver Medal on behalf of his club at a ceremony on Friday 2nd December 2022. This is Cork’s first silver medal since the beginning of the Joe McDonagh Foundation. Kilworth were Cork’s only club to receive an award at the event which took place in Croke Park. Lá bhródúil dar ndóigh don chlub.
CLUB 100 NOW OPEN FOR NEW MEMBERS. Back in 2018 the Bride Rovers Club launched the Club 100 Initiative as we planned Club Developments in advance of our Centenary in 2028. It has been a fantastic success over the last five years. In essence members are asked to commit either Club 100 Packages There are 3 Club 100 Packages to choose from: €40, €30 or €20 per month to the Club. In return then you benefit from the different type of membership
The Gold Member Club 100 is €40 per month and includes Full Club Membership for you and your family + 2 Rebel Bounty Draw Ticket* + 2 Bride Rovers GAA Club Yearly Lotto Tickets + Entry to Club 100 Bonus Draw
The Silver Member Club 100 is €30 per month and includesFull Club Membership for 1 Individual + 2 Rebel Bounty Draw Ticket* + 1 Bride Rovers GAA Club Yearly Lotto Ticket ) Entry to Club 100 Bonus Draw
The Bronze Member Club 100 is €20 per month and includes Membership for 1 Playing / Non Playing individual + Rebel Bounty Draw Ticket* + 1 Bride Rovers GAA Club Yearly Lotto *Members can only join this draw in January. A lotto ticket will be offered instead. For further Information or a Club 100 Membership Form Please contact your team manager / club officer or Aiden Dorgan - Mob.: 085 712 4312 or Email: treasurer.briderovers.cork@
I’d love to be at Headquarters on Sunday when hurling men and women from North, South, East and West will descend on Jones’ Road for the Senior Club Semi Finals. Many think the Ballygunner v Ballyhale Shamrocks is the ‘real deal’ and these have been the two most consistent Club Teams oin Ireland for years now. However the men from Dunloy in the Glens of Antrim will have no fear facing St. Thomas’ of Galway in their semi. What a double header bit a pity it’s the Sunday before Christmas when hurling folk from all over cannot be there.
We extend our sincere sympathy to the wife and family of the late Tom Cunningham, West St, Tallow, Co. Waterford. Well known as a brilliant businessman Tom was also o a great GAA man -both as a player and Administrator. Tom had strong ties with our parish -his great, grandfather Garrett O Keeffe of Kilbrien was born in 1837. Tom always kept up the connections with his cousins the Cotters, Pynes and Barrys in Rathcormac. May he rest in peace.
Football Div 2
Home to Meath, Sunday, January 29, 1.30pm; Away to Kildare, Sunday, February 5, 2pm; Home to Dublin, Sunday, February 19, 3.45pm; Home to Limerick, Sunday, February 26, 3.45pm; Away to Clare, Sunday, March 5, 2pm; Away to Louth, Sunday, March 19, 1pm; Home to Derry, Sunday, March 26, 2pm.
HURLING; Division 1
Home to Limerick, Saturday, February 4, 7.30pm; Away to Galway, Sunday, February 12, 2pm; Home to Westmeath, Sunday, February 26, 1.45pm; Home to Wexford, Sunday, March 12, 3.45pm; Away to Clare, Sunday, March 19, 1.45pm.