Mighty Vibes at AGM..
Last Monday night was one of those nights when only the brave and hardy would venture out what with torrential rain and near gale-force winds. Our Club annual General Meting was scheduled in the Clubroom for 8 o clock and as the rain cascaded down we thought it would have a detrimental effect on the attendance but rain nor storms couldn’t quell that Rovers spirit. An attendance of 60 on a woeful night was testament of the vibrancy of the Club. It was just brilliant to see so many younger players there as well as a good representation of lady members. It was an outstanding meeting with great Annual Reports, good debate, a new officer line up for 2023 and the meeting was concluded in two hours. Outgoing Chairperson Gerard Lane extended a Cead Mile Failte to all present and said it was heartening to see such a crowd present despite the terrible weather conditions. He outlined the format for the AGM as follows
1.Miontuairiscí Minutes of the 2022 AGM 2. Tuarascáil an Rúnaí Secretary’s Report 3. Tuarascáil an Chisteóra Treasurer’s Financial Report 4. Oráid an Chathaoirligh Chairperson’s Address 5. Toghachán na nÓifigeach Election of Officers 6. Na Rúin Consideration of Motions received by the Secretary 7. Aon Gnó Eile Any Other Business. After reading out apologies from 7 members who were unable to attend Runai Michael Carey read the Minutes of last years AGM which were adopted, proposed and seconded. In a very detailed and well illustrated Annual Report the Runai dealt with all aspects of the running of the Club during 2022. On the playing fields reaching the semi final of the Senior A hurling championship and winning both the Junior B Hurling and under 19 hurling championships were the highlights. Every single game in league and Championship of all the teams during the year were listed. The way the Report was presented was outstanding with pictures and graphs helping to illustrate the huge commitment from Club players and Executive members during the season. Each Team Bainisteoir provided a detailed Report on Senior Hurling, Junior A Football, Junior and C Hurling and under 19 Hurling and football. Michael Carey summed up his 37 page report as follows;
A cháirde, It is my privilege to present my secretary’s report and I wish to thank all who have supported me in the role during 2022. It is impossible to capture in one report the impact that the club has on the local community; from the academy mornings and evenings within the juvenile and ladies’ clubs, to the platform for sport and recreation that we give our adult players and club members, to the array of interactions which being a member of the club holds. I hope that my report has fore fronted the key activities on the pitch this year, and at least some of the activities off the field. I thank everyone who gives time to the club – players, mentors, officers, committee members, sponsors, and supporters. There are many talented individuals contributing to the club - some in ways that are not always visible to the eye - but all which hold huge impact. Our club is in a strong place, but we must not rest on our laurels. There are aspects that must be managed carefully over the coming years, including · the provision and support of as many playing opportunity to all of our players as they transition to adult level to avoid dropout · the development of our new playing fields in Pynes · our promotion and support of people who undertake officer and mentor roles within the club · our efforts for best practice and transparency in terms of club finance and fundraising · the need to keep ‘respect for all’ as a cornerstone of our club culture · our efforts for best practice and modernity in terms of club communications · our local actions in mind of discussions nationally regarding the ‘One Club’ model I wish to place on record my sincere thanks to Gerard Lane, our outgoing Chairman for his steady stewardship of the club over the last three years. I also wish to thank all other outgoing officers for their contributions. A special word of thanks to my predecessor Daniel Lane for his support also throughout the year. I encourage you to attend the Ladies Football and Camogie Club AGM this Thursday 17th and the Juvenile AGM on Thursday week, 24th to reflect on their year of activities. Finally, in mid-November, I want to be the first to wish everybody associated with Bride Rovers an enjoyable and restful Christmas period and a happy and prosperous New Year. Go raibh míle mhaith agaibh, Micheál O Ciardha (Runaí) Nov 14th, 2022. Michael’s report was greeted with sustained applause. Next up was Cisteoir Aiden Dorgan presenting his first set of Club accounts for the year ending October 31st 2022. Income, Expenditure, the Balance Sheet, Club 100 Account, Lotto Finances, Loans, Depreciation, Creditors and Debtors were all dealt with in a very comprehensive way. The Finances of the Club are now a huge undertaking. During the year new procedures in relation to expenditure were put in place. Aiden thanked Dave Burke in a special way for the reorganisation and expansion of the Weekly Club Lotto which has been a huge source of finance. During 2022 a total of 33 new members joined the Club 100 and more are always welcome. Aiden’s figure showed a healthy financial position but with huge expenditure coming with the Pitch Developments new fundraising will have to come on stream.
Outgoing Chairman Gerard Lane then addressed the meeting. He spoke of his first involvement in Administration back in 1980. He recalled his Officership roles in the East Cork Juvenile and Junior Boards, Cork County Board and the Munster Council but said his three years as Chairman of Bride Rovers was most challenging and rewarding. It’s a very exciting time in our Club with huge playing numbers, great panels of players at all levels but success is never guaranteed. He said the purchase of land for new pitches was badly needed but will present a huge financial challenge for all club members over the coming years. Though it’s a major task the parish is behind us and the new facilities provided will be there for generations. He was loud in his praise of his fellow Officers and also the membership of the various Sub committees -Grounds, Finance, Lotto, Development, Coaching an games, matchday, Child Protection and Club Fixtures. It’s only with the cooperation of everyone involved that the Club and all it’s teams can function properly. He spoke of the great number of people now involved in Bride Rovers that perform so many mundane tasks, week in, week out, in a quiet understated manner. Gerard spoke of Scor and Irish Culture as an area where we need to improve and commended the outgoing Oifigigh Cultur agus an Gaeilge, Mossy O Sullivan, who was not going forward for re election. He wished the incoming Officers including Chairman Pa O Driscoll all the very best and wished the Club every success in these exciting times for Bride Rovers. All present gave a rousing and extended applause for Gerard lane who has been a wonderful Officer for the Club and County.
OFFICERS for 2023.
Runai Michael Carey then read out the names of all those who had been nominated for Officer Positions for 2023 and were willing to go forward. Just 2 positions remain unfilled those of Children’s Officer to be decided upon by the Club Executive) and Cultural Officer. Three names were proposed and seconded to be added to the list of Club Vice President Paudie Murphy, Brendan O Driscoll, and Tom Kearney. Pat O Connor is Club President and the other vice presidents are Fr Neilius O Donnell, Henry Hazlewood, Tommy Barry, Fr. Seanie Barry and John Arnold
Chairman Pa O Driscoll, Vice Chair Mark O Connell, Runai; Michael Carey, Asst. Runai; Rosarii Kielty, Cisteoir Aiden Dorgan, Asst Treasurer Evelyn Murphy, PRO John Arnold, Injury Fund Administrator Daniel Lane, Registrar (joint) Ml Carey & Aiden Dorgan, Coaching Officers -joint, Donncha Carr & Damien Healy. Grounds Officers Denis Ahern and John Murphy. East Cork Board delegates J. Arnold & B O Driscoll. County Board; john Arnold & Gerard. Lane. Membership fees were retained at 2021/22 level.
Other decisions made Look at having a 2nd Junior Football team for 2023
Organise a Local Function for winning JBH and U19 teams
Have first meeting for 2023 on the 2nd Monday of January
Club Sub Committees to be announced that January meeting. Incoming Chairman Pa O Driscoll said it was an honour for him to lead the Club into 2023 and asked for the full cooperation of all members. Ensuring that all players in the club from under 6 upwards get opportunity to play with the Club is vital he stressed. He asked for support for the ladies and Juvenile Clubs AGM’s which are coming up and also the Juvenile Club’s Quiz on Saturday night. Club Vice President Fr O Donnell then addressed the meeting, expressing his delight at the progress of the Club. He then led all present in prayer to remember those gone from our midst. (FULL DETAILS OF SELECTORS, MOTIONS ETC IN NEXT WEEKS EDITION)
On Tuesday of last week, November the 8th the Lotto Jackpot was €12,000. The four numbers drawn were 02, 12, 19 & 23 and there was no Winner. Congrats to our lucky dip €30 cash winners: T Dalton, c/o Mossie O’Sullivan, Liam Cahill, Moulane, Grace Culloty, Barnahash, Cynthia Buckley, Rathcormac and Helen O’Sullivan, Kildinan
This week's jackpot on Tuesday November 15th was an incredible €12,200. Tickets which are just €2 each can also be purchased from Club members and in local business outlets. An Annual Lotto Ticket would make an ideal Christmas present for a friend or a family member at home or abroad. Social Media can spread the message far and wide so please let everyone, everywhere know that Bride Rovers GAA Club is always appreciative of support from all corners of the world. Thank you again for all your ongoing efforts which are deeply appreciated.
Yes it’s that time of year for the Annual gatherings. After the might adult Club Meeting on Monday night, tonight, Thursday November the 1th it’s the Camogie and ladies Football Club who have their AGM in the Clubroom at 8pm, all are welcome. A week later on Thursday November 24th the Juvenile Club will meet to review and preview. The Juvenile Club AGM takes place at 8pm on Thursday week November the 24th.
On this coming Saturday night the Juvenile Club annual Table quiz takes place in the Rathcormac Inn at 8.30pm, teams of 4 are €40. It’s Quiz with a difference where speed of finger is of the essence with Multi Choice Questions and no writing . It promises to be a gret night of craic so do come along.
Our game v Owen Gaels is now gone back to Saturday week 26th of November in the Pairc Ui Chaoimh 4G pitch. Though it’s very late in the season the lads are still training away for this game.
Hard luck to Shamrocks from Knockanore who lost Castlemahon of Limerick in Feoghanagh on Saturday next in the Munster JFC. Shamrocks lost by 3 points after a cracker of a game. The Shamrocks Club still had a marvellous Golden Jubilee gathering on Saturday night of their 1972 County Junior Hurling winning team.
We wish Erin’s Own all the best in the County JHC Final this weekend against Kilshannig.
Sympathy is offered to the Barry and Shelley families on the recent sad deaths of Maeve and Mary, may they rest in peace.