The Annual general meeting of the Bride Rovers Juvenile GAA Club will take place on Thursday of next week November the 24th. The meeting will be held in the Clubroom at 8pm and all are welcome. With a huge number of players now playing hurling and football we are now fielding teams in nearly every single age group. This is great but teams need mentors, selectors, trainers, coaches and administrators so we need more and more volunteers. They say 'many hands make light work, so the more people we can get involved the lesser the workload for all. maybe you could repair hurleys, cut grass, make flags, paint walls, plant trees, fix nets, pick up rubbish, sweep floors, wash jerseys, sin a song or just supervise parking on a busy day in the pitch or perhaps sell a few Lotto tickets. We need everyone-everyone has a place and in Bride Rovers we for everyone . Start by coming to the AGM and you'll never look back.
Many of the underage panels are now taking a well deserved break for a few weeks. Thanks to all the players parents, grandparents and relations for all your help and support during 2022. A huge 'Thank You' to all the team trainers and coaches an mentors from under 6 up to under 18, ye are just an absolute credit to the Club and we are so proud of the immense contribution ye are making in coaching and training the skills of Gaelic Games to out youth. last weekend Evelyn Murphy made a special presentation to Rian Somers for his fundraising for the Juvenile Club. During 2022 Rians Honey Sales generated massive funds for the Club- thank you Rian
Don't forget the Club Quiz in the Rathcormac Inn on this coming Saturday night at 8.30pm. It promises to be a great night of fun.

U9s at end of season..