Cul Camps & Covid Compliance... - 2021-07-30 08:28:00

A lot of planning has gone into this years Cul camp which commenced on July 26th. We have in excess of 50 adults who are volunteering their holiday time this year to make the camp possible plus to make it even possible. Parents are reminded of the following:

Each child needs a packed lunch, lots of water, sunscreen, gum-shields, helmet and hurley.

Drop off times will be advertised through whats app and twitter as we have 200 kids all starting at the same time. Please take note of all Covid precautions throughout the week.

Our children's officer details are

These next few weeks represent a very busy time, with many games and the club's Cúl Camp week taking place for younger players from Monday next.
We ask you to *adhere strictly* to the below public health instructions, to safeguard the safety of all.

1) if you and/or your child are unwell in any way _and/or_ are displaying any symptoms of Covid 19 _and/or_ are awaiting Covid 19 test results, we ask that you do not attend any GAA related events.

2) we ask that you do not congregate in groups while your child is training/playing. Ideally, parents/guardians will remain in the car or leave the facility.
Thank you for your ongoing support of these important measures within the club at this time.


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