Great start to eyes down..
We had our first ever on-line Bingo session last Saturday night and it was a brilliant success. With close on 300 Cards sold it was a great start to the Bingo season and we are grateful to each and everyone who supported us on the night. Maurice Dooley brought all his experience as a DJ into action when 'Calling' the game. The results on the night were as follows;
For the 3 Spot Prizes the winners must be on the Zoom call to claim their prizes.
The Bingo will continue on next Saturday night May 15th at 9.15 -note later time is due to the live TV coverage of the Cork v Tipperary game.
A bingo books cost €8 and it again promises to be a great night of family fun. All proceeds towards the club development. The Bingo book can only be purchased online, there will be no bingo books for sale in shops. Please tell all your family and friends. For more information please email brideroversbingo@gmail.com. There is also a specific Link outlining the actual details of purchasing the Bingo books and how to play on Saturday May 8th. Email all your friends the link too if they want to play. This is the link: https://member.
Name, Brian Murphy age 38 Occupation. Sales rep
1 What did you think of the Cork Hurlers display v Waterford last Sunday?
BM;I think both teams will be happy enough, Cork obviously getting the win and 5 goals will be good for confidence, Waterford were missing some big players for them but they were still very competitive for long periods.
2 Can you remember the first time you were at a Bride Rovers game as a child?
BM Can’t remember the exact game but I’d have gone with my parents to all my brothers games.
3 Do you recall your first underage game with the Rovers?
BMI remember playing Dungourney in u12 when I was 8 or 9. I was corner forward and just staying out of the way of our giants Liam Cotter and Philip Hazelwood.
4 As a defender what do you think of the modern hand-pass, is the sliotar being thrown?
BMI think it’s impossible to referee properly.. I actually think unless it’s an obvious throw it should be let flow rather than looking for an obvious hand pass, keep the game moving
5 At Club level in Cork who were the best forwards you came up against?
BM Patrick Horgan is stand out, when I was younger Stephen O’Connor Castlelyons, just couldn’t get around him.
6 Are you in favour or against the Split Season model where Inter County activity is from March until July and Club from August onwards?
BM Ya, I think it’s a great idea, more certainty for players and for their families. Also no winter slog for club players.
7 With Cork you played against the best forwards in the Country for over a decade, who were the toughest to mark?
BM; Eoin Kelly Tipperary, John Mullane and Tony Griffin Clare -he retired young but was top class while he played.
8 With Bride Rovers which of the lads you played with were the toughest to get past in training?
BM; Fergus Collins, he doesn’t know how to give up. The time and effort he puts into training individually is phenomenal.
9 If you were to marooned on a Desert Island for a month what Rovers lads would you take to
A; tidy the island and cook? Stephen Glasgow - by all evidence he must be a good cook
B; swim to the nearest country for help? Twiggy - not sure if he can swim or not but I’d be willing to take the risk
C; design and construct a seaworthy raft?
Shane Walsh - he keeps a fairly brutal car going so hopefully he could do same with a raft..
10. You played Adult Club Hurling for 22 years, what are the biggest changes you have seen in Cork Club hurling in that time?
BM; Formation and tactics - I think a lot of players are actually confused by their own team tactics more than oppositions.
11. Do you feel that overall nowadays, in all grades, there is too much emphasis on fitness and maybe not enough on the skills?
BM; Obviously you need both but fitness should be worked into hurling drills if possible. Players would enjoy trainings a lot more.
12 What is you favourite film and/or TV series?
BM; Suits
13. You played in most positions except goalkeeper, which was your favourite?
BM; Centre back or centre forward
14; Your advice to young players?
BM; have the hurley and sliotar in your hands as much as possible
Twenty two members joined the Zoom Executive meeting last Monday night with a long Agenda. Children's officer Rosari Kielty gave a very comprehensive report on Garda vetting and Child Protection courses which are now mandatory for all involved in under age activity. From a Fixtures pint of view the June Bank Holiday Monday will see Club Football League activity followed by a County RED FM SHL Div 1B game v St Finbarrs the following Sunday. It will be every second week then between hurling and football. Our other Hurling League games are v Bishopstown and Midleton. Senior Hurling Championship is pencilled in for late August. Disappointing news was that no County Under 21 Hurling Championships are planned for this year. The 2020 All Ireland under 20 Hurling Final is scheduled for the weekend of July 10th/11th when Cork face either Dublin or Galway in the decider. It was agreed to do a Wednesday night 'Clean Up' in the grounds commencing at 8pm on Wednesday of next week, May 19th -all are welcome. It was decided that the Junior Football and Senior Hurling Managements will meet to sort out a Training and games Plan for the summer shortly. The next meeting was fixed for June 14th at 8pm.
CLUB 100.
New Brochures and Application Forms for our Club 100 scheme have been printed and are now available. The Club 100 offers unique packages to those who wish to be involved. Club Membership, Weekly Lotto tickets and membership of the monthly Rebels Bounty Cork GAA Draw are all combined in Club 100 Membership. You pay so much a month, depending if you chose the Gold, Silver or Bronze options. Full details from any Club member or Officer.
On Tuesday evening the county Board draft Masters Fixture Plan for the year was published. In the Hurling there are 8 Divisions in the League with 8 teams -two groups of 4, in each league. Based on our 2019 standing we are in Division 1, Group B along with St Finbarrs, Bishopstown and Midleton while in Div 1 A it's Sars, Newcestown, Glen Rovers and Blackrock.
On Monday night last our over 18 players were back on the training pitch after a long lay off. It's just brilliant to see the players return and we look forward to great games as the summer progresses.
The Lotto Jackpot for Tuesday May the 4th last was €20,000. The four numbers drawn were 19, 13, 28 and 30.. There was no Jackpot Winner. The winners of €30 each were Dave Hogan Kilworth, Joe Delaney, Dave Guthrie Coolagown, Denis Mulcahy, Jim Dunne Klworth. You can join the Bride Rovers weekly lotto online at http://briderovers.ie/ or purchase tickets from any of the retail outlets locally that are open. Tickets can also be got locally from Bride Rovers GAA Club Members throughout the parish. Your support of the weekly Lotto Draw is deeply appreciated. If you're not in you can't win and each €2 is a help for our ongoing promotion of Gaelic games. A yearly ticket at €90can also be purchased.
The pitches were buzzing last week and it was just so good to see all the youngsters back. The Juvenile Academy is in full swing. It's really a historic era for our Juvenile Club with 13 different teams in hurling and football in each age group from under 6 to under 18
Under 8's The U8’s were back training on Wednesday with two weeks now from 6:30 to 7:15 in the main pitch and on Saturdays at 10-11am. Any boys born in 2013 are eligible to play. We will have games starting soon but the first few weeks will be all about the kids having fun and learning to play again as a team. For any new players wishing to join, please contact Dave Burke on 087-7999413.
UNDER 9's Our Club under 9s returned to the pitch on Wednesday April 27th at 6.30pm. The under 9's this year will be based on the main pitch and will train on Wednesdays from 6.30 to 7.30pm and on Saturday mornings from 10 to 11. No games are on the horizon yet so we will spend the first few weeks playing games to reintroduce the boys to each other and have a bit of fun. The boys will be reintroduced to some key movement skills in the games, which can be used both with the small ball and the big ball.
Return to play protocols from the club will follow. As always, we welcome any new members to join our club.
UNDER 16 HURLING & FOOTBALL.. The under16's are back training since Thursday 29 of April in the Main pitch at 7-30. Even if you have not been involved before now with Bride Rovers if you are in the 15 to 16 age group do come along and join us.
MINOR HURLING and FOOTBALL: Minor training Wednesday's in Main pitch at 7.45, Fridays at 7.45 in Pynes and Sundays at 11am in Pynes
UNDER 11's.The under 11 boys returned to training (hurling) on Wednesday 28th April at 6:30 in the lower half of main pitch and we will also have training on Saturday mornings at 10 o clock.
UNDER 12'SThe under 12's started back training in the new
UNDER 13's.The nder13squad started back on Thursday nights at 6.30pm on the main pitch followed by training in Pyne’s Field on Mondays at 7pm. There are no games expected for the immediate future and with non-contact regulations in place skills work will predominate. Mondays and Thursdays will be the standard training days for 2021. Any boys born in 2008 are welcome to come along, even if they have not been involved previously the more the merrier.
UNDER 14's.It's full steam ahead for the under 14 hurlers and footballers on Monday nights. For the next few weeks the under 14's will train on Mondays and Thursdays . The lads are delighted to be back on the field once more and look forward to a great year.
(NOTE; All the above training times and venues are as fixed, parents will be notified
of any changes due to bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances)
CUL CAMP. We are still very positive in regards to the holding of our annual Cul Camp in July. Guidelines in regards to the finer details are still being worked out by Rebel Og in conjunction with Croke Park. It looks like we will need at least 20 coaches each day. If there are still more wishing to do the Foundation Coaching Course please contact Jerome O Driscoll .There are two parts to the Course, an online part and a Practical coaching session which takes place on this Friday night May 14th.
Well done to the Cork hurlers on their great League win over Waterford last Sunday and hopefully thy will continue their run against Tipperary next Saturday in Thurles. The result of the weekend was up in Antrim where the Glensmen defeated Clare with a great performance.
I came across the notes taken at a Club Meeting in the 1950's and makes interesting reading. It reads as follows ; 1, Re Match in Castlelyons -hurley scarcity.1a) Write to Mahonys Killeagh to state price of a set of hurleys 1b) Pay for 8 hurleys and return two (c) Write M.O Brien for jerseys.
2 Church Gate Collection; Bartlemy ;Batt Maye, Jack Leahy, Paddy Regan. Rathcormac ;First Mass, Mick Barry, Michael Riordan, L. Flynn, Jim Howard Second Mass; Denis Sullivan, P. Coughlan, Sean Sullivan, Jack Murphy.
Fixture; (a)Bride Rovers v Dooneen (Lisgoold), take for football, (b) Write to Sec. East Cork regards playing the match in Dooneen, M. Riordan proposed not to go & Sean Sullivan seconded.(c)Write to Fr Corcoran for match with Doneraile, write to Carrigtwohill & Aghada.
(d) Put add on paper for Collection at Bartlemy and Rathcormac. (Many of those mentioned in the above served the Club well in tough times, many are gone to their Eternal Reward, may they rest in peace)
HAPPY 50th
Happy 50th Birthday wishes are extended to Gerard Gubbins of Hollyhill, Bartlemy -a member of a family that has been involved in the Club with three generations. Ger captained our East Cork winning hurling team in 1988. Ger is a great sportsman and has a great interest in greyhound racing, his 'Hollyhill' dogs are regular winners in the Track especially in Youghal. Speaking of Youghal it was there, back in 1989, that we had our first Sponsored Greyhound Race Meeting. A profit of just over £800 was made. Castlelyons Co Op were our main sponsors on the night. Well done to Ger on 'Hollyhill Dash's win in Youghal on Monday night last.
BRIDE ROVERS CLUB SPONSORS are; Rathcormac Tyres, Fermoy Print & Design