Return to Training for Underage Teams:
We are delighted that our girls have finally been able to get back on the pitch this week for both camogie and football sessions. It is great to see many new faces too. We urge all our club members to follow public health guidelines when dropping girls to and from training to ensure a safe return to training for all. If you feel unwell or a member of your family is unwell please do not attend training. Here’s to am enjoyable summer back on the pitch for all camogie and football teams! New players are welcome from U6 to adult level. Flyers have been sent to local schools in the last week with contact details or contact Nevan (086) 822 7444.
U10 Girls
U10 girls returned to training on Monday night at 6:30 on a beautiful balmy night. We were unsure as to what numbers were due to turn up as we have separated from the U9s this year with Covid restrictions etc.
We ran a full 1 hour football session based on skills and fun. We were delighted to have 21 girls turn up which augurs well for the season. Welcome to our 2 new girls and also to our coaches Rachael who helped out on the night and Arlene who's first session went down a storm.
In order to comply with regulations we divided the group into 2 groups, based on the schools attended.
Overall the session went very well with the sunshine definitely adding to the overall mood.
Next session is Monday night at 6:30.
First Friday Clothes Collection:
We are hopeful that our clothes collection fundraiser will return soon once Covid-19 restrictions allow. Please keep this in mind if you have clothes to rehome.
Bride Rovers Bingo Night:
Bride Rovers Bingo - Coming Soon! Our first online Bingo night takes place on Saturday 8th May at 8:30pm. Your Book of Bingo can be bought online for €8. A link to purchase your bingo book will be posted on the club website www.briderovers.ie There will be over €1000 in prize money each week. For more details on the Bingo Nights follow @bride_rovers_bingo on Instagram or see the club website. Proceeds will go towards all 3 clubs.
All support is greatly appreciated and a great night is guaranteed! Fun for all the family.
Registration Forms:
Registration is now due and it would be much appreciated if forms could be completed and returned to lead mentors with payment as soon as possible. As we are unable to fundraise at present due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, it is vital that we get membership back at resumption of training. A PDF version has been sent to team WhatsApp groups. If you cannot print this PDF, hard copies area available at training sessions. The Registration fees are as follows; U6-U10 €55 (Football and Camogie), U12-Minor €80 (Football and Camogie), Adult Football €100, Adult Camogie €70, Adult Dual Player €120, Adult Non-player/Mentor €40.
Follow us on Twitter @RoversGAA and Instagram @brideroversladies