Bride Rovers Ladies Football, Camogie and Adult GAA Club Victory Social 2020
Our victory social and medal presentation will be held on Friday 24th January at 8pm sharp in the Vienna Woods Hotel, Glanmire. There will be medal presentations on the night to our U16, Minor and Senior Ladies teams and also to the U21 Hurling and Junior B Footballers. All welcome. Tickets €30 per person. Meal on the night followed by music from DJ John Duggan. For tickets please contact Valerie Culloty (086) 3208047. Grace Culloty (086) 2675910 Grace Kearney (086) 8679479 Liam Barry (087) 6893829. Tickets also available on Friday 17th at 7:30pm at our main pitch, Rathcormac.
Bride Rovers Underage Girls Social/Medal Presentation 2020
Our underage social was a huge success on Saturday last held in the Rathcormac Community Hall. Our girls enjoyed a night of dancing and celebrating. Medals were presented to our U6, U8, U12 and U14 girls. A special thank you to all players and parents who put in so much effort throughout the year and here's hoping the 2020 season will be as successful. Thank you to all who helped out on the night and to Colin Ahern who was out DJ on the night. Also thank you to our own Cork stars Sarah Murphy and Katie Quirke for presenting the medals on the night and we wish them well with the Cork Senior Ladies in the coming year. A great night was had by all and we look forward to a very sporting

U14 Ladies Football Team at our victory social Saturday last
U6 Girls Football Team with their medals at our social on Saturday last.