A Chairde Ghael, As secretary of Bride Rovers Juvenile GAA Club I would like to extend a huge welcome to you all, to this our 42nd Annual General Meeting. Our highlights for 2019 include: U6 & 7 competed in numerous hurling and football blitz all over the county this season and their performances were outstanding. U7 also competed brilliantly in Pairc Ui Chaoimh in both hurling & football blitz organised by Rebel Og. U8 & 9 competed also in hurling and football blitz organized by Rebel Og around the county and this was a huge success finishing up the season a few weeks ago playing in Pairc Ui Chaoimh. U10 boys have had a very successful year, participating in the Rebel Og league structure competing very well, also took part in tournaments in Killeagh, Ballyduff and Fermoy. Finished the year out playing in a Munster Blitz in Thurles. U11 travelled to Celbridge during the summer and played outstanding games of hurling, being defeated in the semi finals, also won and retained the Shield in the annual Gerard Kenny Hurling Memorial Blitz. U12 had a great hurling and football season, playing Premier Level, They travelled to Croke Park midsummer where they were victorious in all their games, also victorious in Munster Blitz in Semple Stadium. They finished off the season by winning Willie Ryan Premier Hurling Tournament in Aghada. U13 hurlers had a marvellous year, playing at Premier Level, they didn’t come out victorious in all their games but only defeated by small margins, still finishing up mid table. U14s hurlers progressed immensely over 2019, Feile created a huge impact in the course of the season, being unsuccessful in the Final to Inniscarra, prompted a huge push on for the rest of the year. Winning P2 Challenge Cup which was a huge achievement beating Inniscarra. They also retained Theresa Walsh Memorial Tournament. U15’s hurlers were very successful this year, winning the Munster Super 10 beating Kilmallock in the final, they just lost out to St Finbarrs P1 Championship Semi Final, going to extra time. Were victorious in P2A Challenge Cup in Football beating St Nick’s Minors played Premier 2 Hurling & Division 2 football It was a tough year as numbers were tight and we needed to call on the U-15 boys. We were beaten by Valley Rovers in the winners round of the championship The representation from our club playing for Cork this year was phenomenal. Cork U15 hurlers Adam Walsh, Conor Hazelwood, Cillian Tobin and David Barry Edmund Cashman representing the club U16 Cork Team Sciath Na Scoil was another great achievement this year, big congratulations to Rathcormac NS and Bartlemy NS, contesting in both codes. The Cul camp was a great success again this year with an attendance of 130 boys, thanks to Annemarie Knox and Jerome O Driscoll for coordinating. Also big thanks to Niall O Leary, Shelly Mac, Breige Corkery, & Pa O Driscoll for attending. Team Reports U6 Team Our U’6’s had our first training session of the year on Saturday the 23rd of March. We had 27 kids that day which was a very encouraging start. Due to a lot of new kids which didn’t attend the previous year, we spent the first 6 sessions of the year playing football while we measured them for hurleys and helmets. Also we recruited some excellent parents to assist in mentoring the kids which greatly helped. Some of these coaches are new to the parish but have played GAA with other neighbouring and city clubs. Training was every Saturday morning 10 to 11 a.m (hurling) and every Wednesday 6.30 to 7.30 p.m (7.15 p.m. during school weeks) for football. We played in 2 blitz’s this year – both involving Watergrasshill. We travelled to Glenville on the 22nd of June with 32 players consisting of 4 teams of 8. For most of the kids this was their first ever match and the excitement was huge. We won most of the hurling matches while our opponents were more successful in football. In what was a very well run day, Watergrasshill were excellent hosts with treats for both young and old. We returned the favour and hosted our neighbours on the 14th of Sept. Again we had 32 kids ready for battle and on what was a beautiful morning, our kids gave it everything with some fantastic individual performances. It’s also worth noting the incredible generosity of the parents who provided an incredible amount of baked confectioneries as well as biscuits, chocolates and sweets. So much so that we had enough to feed all the parents and kids on our last training day. We finished on the 19th of October with a fun day which completed with a game of tug of war between the adults and the parents. Obviously our weigh program for the kids paid off, as they won it 2:1! Our coaches this year were Sean Ryan, Barry Murphy, Brendan Lyons, Brian Murphy, Gary Clerkin, Gerard Donegan, Jim Purcell, John Dorgan, John Fitzgerald, Josephine Collins, Mark Collins, Paul Radley, Liam Buckley and myself. Each made a big contribution and especially at U6 level, you need encouraging mentors to make sure every kid have a reason to come back the next day. There was lots of times with travel for holidays and work where different people stepped up to be the head coach and gain valuable experience. Even before we potentially recruit more parents the U’6’s & U7’s should have sufficient numbers to coach next year from this year’s mentors which is very encouraging for 2020. The kids have been amazing to work with this year and have progressed an incredible amount. A lot of them are U6 again next year which is very encouraging. We consistently had high numbers with our most being 39 in one session. Also it’s a wonderful social outlet for kids and parents alike and the club have been excellent for integrating children who have moved into Rathcormac/Bartlemy from other parts of Cork, Ireland and further afield. Finally, I would like to thank the parents who have been hugely supportive, respectful and encouraging this year. One very positive aspect was the amount of times I looked out at the parents and there wasn’t a mobile phone in sight. Long may that continue. Dave Burke Fé 6 Runai U7 Team The U7s hurling and football commenced training after St. Patrick’s weekend where we had over 40 registered and between 20 and 35 players at every training session which is fantastic to see. We finished up the weekend before the October bank holiday weekend. Many of our players have taken up the Club 100 option which is great to see. Training was every Saturday morning 10 to 11 a.m (hurling) and every Wednesday 6.30 to 7.30 p.m (7.15 p.m. during school weeks) for football. We used the big astro which we shared with the U8s early in the year but as the year progressed we had the use of the full astro which made a huge difference in allowing the kids to play small sided games. This was a huge factor in the kids progression in the second half of the year as the players got more touches on the ball and could receive coaching in smaller groups when we split them up. Special thanks must also go to Ken O’Riordan in this regard as due to the progression of the players, more balls were being lost over fences, ditches, etc but the club kept providing balls which is important as we wanted to maintain the one ball per child policy which further improved the ball skills of the players. Training was organised in such a way that one key skill was focused on each week ( roll lift, hand passing, stopping a moving ball, ground strike on the run, etc ) and the players would break into four stations and get a mixture of structured and fun games to practice the key skill. The skill was then encouraged and rewarded in the main game at the end of the session. To introduce the players to what to expect at U8 level, we introduced “air hurling” for the last two months and this gave new life to the season as the players were chomping at the bit all year to do this. We had a busy year on the blitz front also. Four blitzes in Pairc Ui Chaoimh were complemented by several other blitzes where we played Fermoy, Castlelyons, St.Catherines, Mitchelstown, Midleton, Glenville/Watergrasshill and Lisgoold. Our thanks to our neighbouring teams and indeed our own club for facilitating and hosting these blitzes throughout the year. The players loved these days and it broke up the sometimes repetitive nature of training for players and coaches alike. Our coaches this year were Pa O’Leary, Ronan Dorgan, Mike Barry, Niall Fitzgerald, Noel Barry, Eoin McDonnell, Chris Hoare and myself. There were stages of the year where each one of us led the sessions which was a huge help to others in the group. The commitment of everybody meant that there was no huge pressure on any one person which was great. We could definitely do with more coaches though as we did have some pinch points throughout the year where we had one or no coaches available due to work and family commitments so more help needs to be sought going forward. The players themselves have been immense this year and have progressed far more than expected. They are a tough, talented bunch who I have no doubt will play a huge role in the future of this great club. On blitz days, we not only competed well with other teams but more often than not showed a far greater level of skill, attitude and motivation to other teams which is great to see. We, like other age groups, have players who are obsessed with GAA, some who are still progressing slowly in the background and some who are there just for the social element. That is the power of the GAA. It brings all levels of interest together and must continue to be encouraged. Finally, I would like to thank the parents who have been hugely supportive and encouraging this year. From standing on the side of the pitch and helping out with helmets and laces to helping out at blitzes and responding to the many Whatsapp messages, they have been incredible and all of us at the U7s are extremely grateful. Patrick Croke Fé 7 Runaí U8 Team We had 30 players registered last year. We lost the girls but gained 4 new players. Two playing both hurling and football. Two playing just football. Great coaching team with Liam, Alan, Mark, Emma, Pamela Mike, Kevin, Joeand,Aine We played 8 blitzed in Pairc Ui Chaoimh and several in other clubs. We hosted three blitzed. Players have really improved from all the matches. A lot more competitive nature emerging. Looking forward to even more competitive year next year. Aine O Grady Fé 8 Runaí U9 Team Our U9 season began at the end of February this year. We trained hurling and football on Saturdays for the first few weeks. Our Rebel Óg programme began on the 30th of March. It was decided just to do hurling for the first half of fixtures as there were matches every weekend and training sessions would be limited to Wednesday evenings only. We played Kilara Óg (home), Glen Rovers (home), Ballycastle Gaels (home) and Mallow (away). Fixtures v`s Killavullen and Sars didn’t go ahead due to clashing with other fixtures. We also organised 3 football games against Glanworth (home), Fermoy/Castlelyons (away blitz) and Glenville (away). There were no fixtures for July and the start of August. We were invited by Kilara Óg to the Araglin Carnival in July. The second half of Rebel Óg fixtures started at the end of August. We competed in hurling and football. We played football vs Tracton (away), Kilara Óg (home) and Cobh (away). In hurling we played Inniscarra (away), Cloughduv/Killavullen (home) and Nemo Rangers (away). We finished up at the end of October with a home blitz against Watergrasshill with a trip to McDonalds in Fermoy afterwards. This is a very talented and dedicated bunch of players and their improvement over the year was very impressive. We had an excellent coaching team this year at U9. I would like to thank Donncha Carr, Charlie Scanlan, Damien Healy, John Ahern, Michelle O`Donovan, Dermot O`Brien, Declan O’Donovan and Ken Harrington for all their help throughout a busy but very enjoyable year. Special thanks to all the players and parents for their attendance all year. John LynchFé 9 Runaí U10 Team Our U10 boys have had a very successful year with 26 boys consistently training throughout the year. We participated in the Rebel Og league structure competing very well against clubs such as Ballincollig, Douglas, Sars etc. We also took part in a few tournaments in Killeagh, Ballyduff and Fermoy. We finished the year out playing in a Munster Blitz in Thurles where we won 5 out of 6 games and drew 1. We’ve 7 coaches and thanks to all of these with another coach coming on board next year. Jerome O DriscollFé 10 RunaíU11 Team The following is a report on behalf of the under 11team for 2019: The panel consisted of a total of 24 boys and met three times weekly, with training on Mondays and Thursdays with matches generally on Saturdays. There was a high rate of participation with 15-20 boys turning up to the majority of training sessions. The training commenced in February and will continue until the second week of December. The team entered the Rebel Óg U11 League in both hurling and football with an eleven-a-side team entered in each. Where the opposition facilitated 13 a-side matches were played. During the year the team played 18 Rebel Óg fixtures in hurling and football against teams such as Kilara Og, Castlelyons, Kilshannig, Ballinhassig, Nemo Rangers, Bishopstown, Donoughmore, Kilavullen and Fermoy. In June the team participated in Celbridge’s U11 hurling tournament which was a great experience for the boys. 3 matches were played in the first round against Dublin, Kildare and Derry opposition followed by a semi-final where the team gave their all but were piped by their opponents. The year culminated with the Ger Kenny memorial shield tournament where the boys retained the shield defeating Castlelyons in the final. Throughout the year it was clear that significant improvements had been made in the boys’ skills levels. It was also reassuring to see the same level of commitment and participation rates from the start to the end. This was in no small part down to the work put in by my fellow trainers:Padraig Murphy, Seamus O’Farrell, Martin Buckley, Michael Walsh, David Morey and Denis Fitzgerald; I’d like to thank them for their efforts throughout the year. Brendan Lyons Fé 11 Runaí U12 Team Our U12 team participated in the U12 football and hurling Rebel Og League. This kept us very busy with eight teams to play in both hurling and football. We had sixteen u12s and we drafted in a few u11s to assist us during the season. We started training in mid-January and Paddy, Ken, Will and Pat helped to get the boys fit and ready for the season ahead with training Tuesdays and Thursdays and organising matches for weekends. The WhatsApp messages to parents were flying!. Our hurling league campaign began with a very close away win to Mallow on the 13 th April, 3-3 to 3-5, the lads played great and this was followed up with another good win 9-10 to 2-7 at home to Cobh two weeks later. On the 18th April we all set off to Croke Park by bus after being offered to participate in a blitz after being selected for accreditation on the Benchmarking 2020 Vision initiative, which recognizes the hard work that was undertaken in the area of games development. This day I can safely say will be remembered forever by all who travelled, but especially the lads, seeing the excitement and their eyes light up, when walking onto the pitch and playing in Croke Park it was amazing. We played three matches, winning two against De La Salle and Cappawhite and narrowly losing by a point to Bruff. Loads of photographs were taken and shared on every media known to man and they were all hoarse from singing on the way down in the bus. After stopping for refreshments, the “singing” and laughing continued until we hit Rathcormac a great day for all involved. Big thanks to the sponsors who helped fund the day and the fantastic tops, which were purchased for the trip to Headquarters. On April 27th we travelled the short distance to Carrigtwohill and after a shaky first half we found our accuracy and won the game 3-1 to 3-11 although the boys got a fright when Carrigtwohill scored two late goals. We hosted Fermoy at home and were missing some players due to injury but were doing well in the first half, but in the second half the heads dropped when we conceded two easy goals and were beaten 1-8 to 4-12. This was their first taste of defeat, but the lads learned from the experience. Our next game was at home was away to St. Catherines on 30 th of May and we were well in the game until one of our players was sent off for an accidental challenge. This had a big impact on the game, but all the other lads played their hearts out to make up for our missing man, but were unable to do so and we lost 1-8 to 3-7. Our next match was away to NewTown Shandrum on the 19 th June, the lads were tried from the drive and it being a week day tired from school too and this took its toll, we didn’t play anywhere to our potential and lost on score line of 3-9 to 1-5. We all needed a break. Our first football game was away to Youghal on a very windy day on the 23rd of March. The wind caused havoc, as kicks which we would easily score from were being pulled left and right of the posts. This frustrated the lads they got even more frustrated with the inconsistency of the refs decisions and Youghal had their goal keeper to thank as he saved everything that was fired at him. We lost 2-8 to 0-5 points. On the 6th April we played Cobh at home and played a great passing game and with no wind to trouble us won 1-13 to 2-4. We played St. Nicholas and were just on top in the first half but fell behind in the second half but came good again near the end but near the end a goal by St. Nicholas but the game out of reach. It was a great come back by the lads and showed that they had learned from the Fermoy game never to give up. On the 3rd May we played Duarigle Gaels at home and were out played by a fantastic football team. The lads tried their best and the heads did not drop even though the game was over at half time, they played on and fought for every ball right to the end, it was great to see the fight in them to the very end, we lost 0-2 to 4-12. And although the lads were very disappointed, it was made clear to them how far they had come from earlier on in the season and the fact they kept going to the end, said a lot about each member of the team. Onto the next match at home to St. Michaels on the 10th May and the lads played brilliantly finding their men, running into space, tackling well. We won 5-15 to 1-4. The last match before the break was at home against St. Finbarrs on 14th June. Our lads were not at the races, were second to every ball and were well behind in the first half. A completely different team emerged in the second half and went for it but had given themselves too much to do and unfortunately lost the game 0-5 to 2-10. In August we treated the lads again, they played in a hurling blitz in Semple Stadium, two great venues in one year how lucky were they played against Slaibh Rua. Cois Bride & Mungret. Another day to remember by all. August also saw us being invited to play in a hurling blitz in Aghada. It was fantastically organised from the moment you drove in to the very end. The lads & girl (Aishling) winning the “Annual Willie Ryan U12 Hurling Tournament” . They were undefeated in the group stages drawing with Aghada and beating Glen Rovers and Cobh, this resulted in a semifinal meeting with Ballygiblin which they won by 0-9 to 1-1 . After some delicious food they were into a Cup final which they faced Aghada again. After a very tight first half we led by 1 point at half time , we stepped it up a gear with a great second half performance which resulted in them bringing home the Cup on a score line of 1-7 to 0-4. The Hurling league reconvened on the first day of September at home to Youghal. The lads were playing against a very tall and strong u12 side some of them seemed as if they were already shaving!! The lads played very well against such big lads and unfortunately some of our key players had to go off injured. Nevertheless as they had done before, the lads kept in the game and were always one of two scores behind a great effort again finally losing 3-4 to 4-9. Our final hurling game which took an age to reschedule was on the 13th September at home to Grenagh. Again we had some key players injured during the game but the lads upped their performance to try and compensate for it and played very well but Grenagh pulled away near the end on a score line of 2-4 to 3-10. 2019 will be a year that we all will remember for a long, long time. For the lads playing in Croke Park and Semple stadium will be no doubt be their highlight of the year. For us, it was how they played in Aghada, The passing, the fighting for each other, never give up attitude, the tackling, the encouragement they each gave each other, the scores. They worked as a proper team should do, that day (if we could have only bottled it !!) and they, along with us, learned from the highs and lows experienced throughout the season. Hopefully it will make us all a better team in 2020. Sean Cronin Fé 12 RunaíU13 Team Mentors :- Paddy Hynes, William O’Riordan, Kevin Murray, Sean Cronin & Mike Keating Squad :- Cillian O’Sullivan, Denzel Onohuro, Ben Knox, Cameron O’Sullivan, Jack Hynes, Sean Dowling, Sean Madden, David O’Connell, Adam Kelleher, Tomás O’Riordan, Jack Collins, Cormac Barry, Gearoíd O’Connell, Jack Keating, Adam Cronin, Gearoíd Gubbins, Ronan Barry, Luke Harrington, Oran Kielty & Conor O’Riordan We played Rebel Óg Central starting on 09 th April 2019 with an away game to Valley Rovers coming out at the wrong end with a scoreline of 4-07 to 3-07. Eire Óg came to Pynes on 23rd April 2019 and we lost another tight encounter 3-14 to 5-09. We played Ballinora away on 15th May 2019 and lost 2-09 to 3-12. We played Donoughmore at home on 27th May 2019 and won the match. Result was 4-11 to 2-10. On 24th June 2019 we travelled to Bandon and we came from 9 points down to level with a last minute goal and quietened a noisy Bandon crowd. Our final match was at home on 15th September 2019 where we played Courcey Rovers where we lost 4-12 to 4-06. We have 7 boys on the age and a special thanks to the 10 Under 12’s that made up the squad. No big ball was required. Go raibh maith agat. Mike Keating Fé 13 Runaí U14 Team Squad : L Roche, T O’Riordan, C O’Sullivan, A Hynes, K Cotter, F O’Flynn, R O’Riordan, C Barry, D Cashman, C O’Sullivan, R O’Callaghan, K Ryan, G Gubbins, E O’Connor, L Harrington,J Keating, B Knox, C Hogan, C O’Dowd, D Kielty, O Kielty, C O’Sullivan, J Collins Mentors I Harrington, J Pratt, M O’Sullivan, W O’Leary, P Hynes, D Dooley, M Dooley, N Butler U14 Football League and Championship This year Bride Rovers competed in division 2 in Rebel Og North in both league and championship, finishing mid table in the league, in the football championship a facile 1 st round win, a bye and a concession led to a semifinal against eventual championship winners Kilara Og in which the lads played well but just came up short. Over the football campaign the lads average losing margin was 3 points whilst their winning margin was 11 points, with some fine footballers in the squad, adding a little consistency to the talent should see this group being rewarded with silverware. U14 Hurling League and Championship Bride Rovers competed in Premier 2 hurling this year, finishing mid table in the league with the mentors focus more on developing players and giving game time more than outright success. In the championship we were drawn against a strong Aghada team in the first round, and having played against them and being well beaten in the first round of the league the lads knew a big performance was needed, unfortunately the lads came up just short, losing by 4 points. U14 Theresa Walsh Memorial Cup Bride Rovers welcomed KIltha Og, Eire Og and Bishopstown to Rathcormac in July to contest the Theresa Walsh Memorial cup, the lads did the club and the Walsh family proud with their hurling, once again retaining the cup. Feile Na Gael Hurling This year Feile was held in Cork and Kerry region on the 2nd weekend of June, Bride Rovers applied and were accepted to be a host club when it was announced the previous November, the team were graded in division 2 and placed in a group with our guests for the weekend, Loughgiel Shamrocks ( Antrim), and, with Kilcormac/Killoughey (Offaly) and Mallow. 160 teams participated in Feile this year with 720 matches being played over the weekend, our Feile adventure began in Mallow on Friday evening with 2 group matches against Kilcormac/Killoughey and Mallow. Saturday morning saw ourselves and our guests Loughgiel Shamrocks play out our final group match in Rathcormac, both teams and supporters had refreshments and lunch at the pitch, and while the teams played out a crossbar challenge the group placings and knockout stages were finalized. Saturday afternoon took the club to Togher to play a shield quarter final against Slaughtneil (Derry), the lads put in a terrific performance, showing both skill and teamwork to progress to Sundays semi finals, everyone then cheered on our guests Loughgiel in the next match as they defeated Camross in a nail biter. Both teams returned to Rathcormac Saturday evening for a meal and a fun table quiz. Sunday started with both teams attending mass in Bartlemy before a quick serenade from John Arnold sent us on our way to Bishopstown for our shield semi final vs Ballygaglget (Down). This was an intensely physical match, but cheered on by a great support the lads showed plenty of bravery, composure and determination to hurl their way into the Feile shield final. The final unfortunately saw the semi final and weekend in general take its toll on the lads, no matter how their hearts wanted to win their bodies weren’t able and Inniscarra ran out easy winners. Feile is a national event, it took 6 months of planning and would not have been possible to host or compete in without; the groups parents forming a committee and organizing various fundraisers, club gear and catering; the generosity of parents opening up their houses for the weekend to our visiting guests; the support of our sponsors; our juvenile and adult clubs. Premier 2 Challenge Cup Hurling Our challenge cup semi final was played in Togher against St Finbarrs, and with our recent history of results against that combination there was plenty of determination in the dressing room before the match, the lads started well and faced into the 2 nd half with a 4 point lead, however a couple of quick scores for the ‘Barrs put us behind, however the lads showed plenty of spirit and battle, scoring the winning goal at the death to progress to the final. The challenge cup final was played in Delaneys against Inniscarra who had beaten us in the Feile final, cheered on by great support the lads put together their best performance of the season, dominating the match from beginning to end, running out 10 point winners. Naomhan de Buitleir, Fé 14 Runaí U15 Team U15 HurlingWe had a different system for the year they started a league ,championship format this year it was normal league games but it was top four teams qualify for the champion .We won 6 out of 7 games which we ended up joint top with na piarsaigh on 31 points in total ,that meant that we played our old rivals St.Finbarrs in the semi final on the 5th of September the game was played in bad condition on the day unfortunately we lost this game after extra time which it was a massive disappointment on the day .We just needed a bit of luck on that day, but it was a good year in total with a Munster 10 hurling title in Mallow in July with drawing with Ballygunner of Waterford, beat Ballyea of Clare in the group games in the semi we played Killmallock of limericks winning that which qualify us to the final inagh kilamona of Clare great game which we got the better of this .no medal but set of goalposts for the club and gear bags for the boys . U15 FootballPlaying in Premier 2a As the hurling same format played 7 winning 3 and losing 4 which two of the loses unfortunately was two walk over due to reasons beyond our control, which qualifies us for the Challenge Cup semi final against Midleton .In the end Midleton conceded the game so on the final against ST .Nicks in Pairc ui Choimh astro turf in the start of November great game for two teams that are more hurling than football so Lose game but we got the better of St.Nicks by 3 points 2-9 to 2-6 brilliant what to finish the year with a cup Minor Team This year the clubs minors played Premier 2 Hurling & Division 2 football It was a tough year as numbers were tight and we needed to call on the U-15 boys to fulfill teams. Only on 2 occasions during the year we had full teams and on both occasions won convincingly at home to Cobh in Hurling league & against Inniscarra in the first Round of the championship. We were beaten by Valley Rovers in the winners round of the championship where we were minus quite a few players. We then faced Killeagh/St Itas in the Q/F we had 18 players on the night due to injuries with 3 U-15 starting & all subs U-15. We were beaten convincingly by a stronger team no fault to any player on the pitch that night. Football Again numbers were tight and forfeited 3 league games. And in the championship we got a walkover from St Nicks in the first round.Next we faced kiltha og another combination team who had over 28 players to choose from which begs the question about grading. However our lads gave a great show on the night unfortunately losing by 4 points. We were the only team to get this close to the opposition as they romped home in every other match. There is a number of people to thank. All the players who turned out to play for us this year. The U-15 boys who played this year and their parents for allowing them to make the step up. Mike, Denis, James & Bill for their help during the year. On a final note. The club must look after juvenile players. This year was a struggle with 3 players on the Senior panel and player burn out is a serious concern and after all they are juvenile players first and foremost. Eddie O CallaghanFé 18 Runaí Easter Camp 80 boys and girls took part in a 2 day camp run during the Easter holidays. The purpose of this was to improve our structure in aiming to attain a silver coaching award for the club and also to give some guidance and experience to the young coaches who were going to be coaching for cul camp. Many thanks to all the coaches who came on board for this camp which is also used to help us to progress with our coaching plan. CÚl Camp We had 130 boys and 88 girls over the course of the week which turned out to be a huge success. Special thanks to Denis Ahern, Liam Barry of Fermoy Print & Design, Charlie Scanlan of Jump Juice Bars and Daniel Dooley of Avonmore for sponsoring the goodie bags- each boy got a Jump Juice boot bag, a hurling grip, a Bride rovers Car sticker and keyring, a Mooju drink and a chocolate bar. the girls all got a gumshield instead of the grip. We also received some sponsorship from Paul O’Keeffe from Cummins sports of footballs, sliothars and bibs towards the success of the week. Huge thanks as always to Ann Marie Knox for her massive contribution. Coaching Officer’s Report The year started off on an extremely positive light when we were notified in January that we received a Bronze award in the 2020 Benchmarking scheme. This was the first time that we’d attempted to participate in this scheme and was a great recognition of the work going on for many years in the Juvenile Club. This year we’ve entered into the Silver Scheme which has led to more activity in the coaching ranks: In January we had 18 new coaches who completed a Foundation Coaching course which was organised by Brian. We were delighted to get some great co-operation form Margaret Howard who allowed us to use the School Hall to complete this course. In April we ran a 2 day Easter Camp for boys and girls from 7 to 11. Over 80 kids participated. This camp was run for 3 specific reasons: to help us achieve a standard for the silver benchmark, to educate the Cul Camp coaches who were going to be used for the camp this summer, to swap coaching ideas on the different skills that each coach is utilizing with their different age groups. The feedback from the kids and parents to this camp was brilliant as it happened within the Easter holidays. Kids were charged at €15, 2 kids for €25 and this was capped. Huge thanks to the coaches who took time off from work on Friday to get this course kicked off. We’ve revamped the Cul Camp with more coaches involved this year on a daily basis. This is a format that I’d hope that we could use as a template for next year as the rules and regulations are tightening dramatically from this year on. This I’m sure will be touched on by Mark and Rosario who were at a recent Child Protection Course. Cul Camp format: We’re extremely lucky in this club that we’ve so many coaches who are interested in getting involved and developing the club. For Cul Camp this year we had at least 2 coaches onsite each morning. This led to more supervision of our younger coaches and also led to some coaching tips and coaching masterclasses. The coaches involved were: Brian Murphy, Joe Delaney, Donnacha Carr, Charlie Scanlan, John Lynch, Damian Healy, Brendan Lyons, Aine O’Grady, Dave Burke, Paddy Croke, Mike Mohally, Batt O’Connell (apologies if I left anyone out). We also brought in some outside assistance. Shelly Mac ran a masterclass on flexibility, movement & agility which went down very well. Pa O’Driscoll was brought in a full refereeing gear and ran some games which, surprisingly, was the highlight of the week for many of the kids as this was their first time having a “proper” referee. I’m hoping that we’ll have a Cul Camp meeting early in 2020 so that we can discuss the issues regarding running the camp next year and also that we can improve on this years format to make the camp even more enjoyable for the kids. Many thanks to our sponsors for the week. Plan for the next 12 months is the following: Probably look at running another foundation course in the first quarter of 2020. A Level 1 course is being organised for early February. At present I have 16 names which is enough to run the course ourselves without having to bring in another club. Any further interest give me a text. First Aid course. Spoken about at many meetings but will be done in Q1 next year. Jerome Child Protection Report Juvenile & Men A number of child protection issues recorded/reported in the juvenile club for 2019 to child Protection officer. Two were escalated and required additional reviews within Bride Rovers and at Cork County level. Corrective actions will be put in place in the club for 2020 to prevent reoccurrence. Feile was very successful, all personnel 100% vetted for the event. Cul camp 2019 had 55% of new personnel vetted, 45% of people awaiting completion of vetting or were not vetted for the camp. Vetting from U6 to U18 age groups for juvenile club is 63% complete. A number of personnel have resubmitted and awaiting completion, a few to submit due to expiry. Vetting will last for 5 years. Child Protection Course will run for members who require it in 2020, i.e. new members and members who require refresher, in line with vetting. All coaches, mentors, secretaries will require vetting for 2020, as there will be zero tolerance in the Bride Rovers Club. Audit from GAA headquarters is likely in 2020 for Cork clubs. Rosario Kielty Child Protection Officer |