Scor Co final on Saturday...
The 2019 Cork Senior Scor Final takes place on this coming Saturday night February 9th in Ovens. It's the Golden Jubilee year of Scor 1969- 2019 so a great night's entertainment is planned for the Eire Og Club venue. Bride Rovers represent Imokilly Division in the Aithriseoireacht competition with a cast of Mossy O Sullivan, William O Leary, Orla Arnold, Pa O Driscoll and John Arnold performing a piece reflecting on 50 years of Scor. Starting time is 6 o clock.
Senior Hurling.
Our Senior Hurling team have been in action on the last two weekends playing challenge games. We played the UCC Freshers team on the last Sunday in January and met Roanmore of Waterford last weekend. We had two good wins in games where a lot of our younger players lined out. It's an encouraging start to the season. It seems likely that our Senior Hurling Championship first round game v Douglas will be played in April.
No Football League Final.
We were unable to get a team out last Saturday to play Glenville in the Final of the 2018 East Cork JFL Division 3. With the 2019 competition due to commence this weekend- we are down to play Castlelyons, an appeal is made to all our players to turn out for the football games. We reached both League and Championship Finals last year and we have plenty good footballers in our Club.
Weekly Club Lotto.
Last week's jackpot was €20,000 and the four numbers drawn were 8, 9, 16, 19 - there was no winner. The prizes of €30 each went to Tom O'Riordan, Grainne Leahy, Susan Heffernan, James Murphy and Eileen Lane. On Tuesday night last, February the 5th, the Jackpot was €20,000 Tickets at just €2 each are available from Club Members and in local businesses and online at locallotto.ie
Congrats Jason.
Congratulations to Jason Mannix on his promotion to the Officer rank in the Irish army. On Monday last Jason was one of a large cohort of soldiers who received promotion. Jason has served Bride Rovers outstandingly over many years as a hurler and footballer and is the third generation of his family who have made outstanding contributions to our Club over many years.
Juvenile Club Accreditation.
Well done to our Juvenile Club on receiving the Rebel Og Bronze Accreditation for Coaching Excellence and Best Practise. The award ceremony took place last Sunday morning in Pairc Ui Rinn. Well done to all the Club Officers, Coaches, Selectors and Trainers for all the hard work put in. Special thanks to Coordinator Jerome O Driscoll.
The u12, 13,14,15 and Minor panels are back training for the 2019 season. Games are expected in two weeks time.
CLUB 100.
This time last year the Bride Rovers Club launched the Club 100 Fundraising Campaign. As we head towards the Club Centenary in nine years time we realise that Club facilities have to be upgraded and improved and new amenities installed. Finance is vital and the Club 100 project aims to provide an ongoing Income stream to ensure we are in a position to continuously improve. We are asking Club supporters and friends to pledge a set monthly amount to the Club on an ongoing basis. We have three options or packages Gold, Silver and Bronze. Depending on your subscription each month you are joined as a Club Member and also in the weekly Club Lotto and if you wish the Monthly Cork GAA Members Draw. WE were delighted with the response last year and are now launching our 2019 recruitment drive to get more members to join the Bride Rovers Club 100. Club Members will be contacting supporters over the next month or so or if you wish to join just contact any Club Officer.
Executive Meetings for 2019.
We plan to hold the regular Club Executive Meetings on the second Monday night of each month -other meetings may be called as needed. Meeting of the Club Sub Committees will commence shortly. The first Exec. Meeting for 2019 is on next Monday night Feb 11th.
'The Real McCoy' this weekend.
We say 'break a leg' to all involved with the Shanowen Players production of 'The Real McCoy' this weekend and next in Rathcormac hall.
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