I’m very honoured to have been asked to do this eulogy and pay tribute to Dan on behalf Bride Rovers.
Dan was very much a family man and outside of the local interests he was involved in, his family & wife Mary were his number 1 and he was very proud of them he was an outstanding father and it was obvious to everyone that family meant so much to him
Dan immersed himself in the Bride Rovers club and the GAA in general. Gavin and Don played sports and when they were involved Dan was an officer of the juvenile club including its Chairman. He was a selector with underage teams and travelled all over East Cork to games. He was the clubs delegate to the Juvenile Board and was seen as a very capable administrator by the officers and his fellow delegates.
As Don and Gavin moved to the adults grades Dan followed them and was a selector on teams and was manager of the Junior A Hurling team and Junior C Hurling team. Dan was manager of the team which won the East Cork Junior C in 2015 and was immensely proud Gavin lined out at half forward and was the free taker on the day.Dan was elected the club treasurer seven years ago and it’s from this position that Dan really came to the fore and shone as an administrator of some substance. We have had many great treasurers’ both men and women over the years and Dan have continued that tradition.The facilities in Pairc na Bride have been enhanced in a major way under Dan’s stewardship, New Astro Turf facilities were put in place and Dan’s handling of all the paper work associated with the drawing down of Sports capital grants Munster Council grants etc was done in his usual quiet manner with little or no fuss, often driving to Killarney to the departments Office rather than taking a chance that it may be lost in the post.
These facilities costing in excess of €500.000 are in place with no debt on the club due to his careful stewardship of the finances. More recently in the last few months major works have been carried out in the pitch, new perimeter fencing ,new footpaths and new parking facilities have all been completed, Dan was immensely proud to see that completed in the last few weeks …His comment to the club Chairman Richie was “it’s amazing”
His role as Cork Clubs draw co coordinator was one he took in his stride and the club has increased its numbers substantially.
Dan was our weekly lotto draw co coordinator and he over saw this every Tuesday night and ensured everything was meticulously looked after. Dan enjoyed his Tuesday night, having the chat and banter with Tom, John Joe, Pat and Brendan and looked forward to it every week. Dan also assisted with the car boot sale and helped out on Saturday mornings in preparation for the Sunday sale.
Our Annual General meeting where Dan presented audited accounts left no one in any doubt as to the exact financial position of the club and no matter how small any amount due it was presented in the a/cs .
Dan was a legendary when it came to collecting money when it was due. No one was safe if they owed money.
As I mention the a/cs on a humorous note for the last few years there was an item on the accounts, €50 for programme advert carried forward from year to year. Dan explained everything line by line and when this item came up it was €50 due from a rival club for an advert in a match programme for a game played in our pitch.
The club in question had never paid the money and probably had no intention, but Dan was not having it and carried it forward each year. When it was suggested it should be written off Dan replied “we’ll get paid alright one way or another”….His debt collecting skills were used to good effect!!!
On another occasion at a match Dan was aware of a player on a panel who had not paid his membership. Dan standing outside the wire back from the fence and was watching closely to see what was happening and when he saw the player being warmed up, he moved slowly to the boundary wire, fag in hand and waited and waited until he saw the subs list being written for the player to enter the fray .Like a cat Dan pounced on the selector to remind him that the player was not a member and hadn’t paid his fee despite several requests from Dan…Needless to say the player retreated to the dugout as a sub for that game.. That was Dan he was honest and fair and played down the middle….
Finally …..
Dan was a huge supporter of all our teams and loved going to matches no matter where they were, never a missed a club league game he was ever present .Dan was a great supporter of the Cork teams and travelled all over Ireland supporting both the Footballers and the Hurlers at league and Championship games. He loved coming to Pairc na Bride in the evenings and watching all the various teams boys and girls training.
In all clubs there are people who are regarded as corner stones and we can say without fear of contradiction Dan was one of those in our Club. We have lost a major figure, our building is standing but badly shaken. Today we remember our Rock the man from Bold Thady Quill Country, Donal Mary Quill---- the man who left a major mark on our parish, a family man, an innovator, a leader, a trojan worker, a community man, an honest man, a man who gave rather than took. We could go on and on…….
“We know that a man is never dead while his name is still spoken” ― and we know the name of Dan Quill will be forever spoken in our club.
We salute an ordinary man who made an extraordinary contribution.
Dan is Pictured on LHS along with Club Chairman Richie O Regan, Donal Roche, Daniel Lane Club Secretary and Club president Pat O Connor. at a function in Rochestown Park last year to honour Eoin & Brian Roche of the Cork Minor team.