U10 Football...
On Saturday last our u10s girls travelled to Lisgoold to play the home team in the league.
The girls continued with there winning start to the campaign with some lovely flowing football and some fine scores.
We never allowed Lisgoold any time on the ball with our determination to get the ball being one of the girls main traits.
All girls from 1 to 23 played their heart out and we ran out winners in the end on a scoreline of Bride Rovers 7-1 to Lisgoold 0-1
Next up on Thursday 17th is the home game against Eirns Own
Bride Rovers Girls Summer Camp for Girls Aged 5 - 13 (5 years olds must be school going) will be held on Week commencing Monday the 23rd of July, to Friday the 27th of July, 2018 10.00 a.m.to 1.00 p.m. PLEASE DO NOT BOOK YOUR DAUGHTER IN ONLINE. Cul Camp Forms available from your trainer or Text or Phone Valerie Culloty (086) 3208047. Please return completed forms to your trainer or Valerie before 15th of June,2018.
€60 per child, 2nd €50.00 3rd/4th €40
Next Clothes, Bags, Shoes Collection Friday 6th of July, 2018 at Rathcormac Community Centre 7.30 pm to 8.00 p.m. (garage to rear). This is a massive fundraiser for the club so bring on your old clothes, shoes, bags. "IF IN DOUBT CHUCK IT OUT".
Registration Forms available from all trainers - please ensure your child is registered.
Bride Rovers Ladies Football & Camogie Club proudly sponsored by Spar Rathcormac and Barry's Bar Rathcormac.
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