Registeration Night
Bride Rovers Ladies Football & Camogie Club will hold their Registration Night this Friday February 10th in the club
dressingrooms from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. All players, coaches & selectors must register for the coming year.
Score Prediction Competition
The Bride Rovers GAA club are running their annual score prediction
competition again, it was a great success last year and was
nail-biting up to the last competition.
Tickets are now on sale from Club Members & Players and your support
of this club fundraiser is appreciated. Tickets €10.
There is a wide range of sporting events from GAA to Rugby, Horse
Racing to Tennis and Golf.
Coaching Course
The club will be holding a Ladies Football Coaching course in
February, date to be confirmed, at Pairc Na Bríde, Rathcormac.
We need a minimum of 20 Coaches to do this course. All parents &
coaches of all age groups are welcome to attend. The course will take
approx. 6 hours and will have lots of practical demonstrations which
will be of huge benefit to the Coaches & trainers. To book your place
contact Liam Barry 087 6893829
New Players
Bride Rovers Ladies Football & Camogie Club cater for all girls from 6
years up, We provide games & coaching in a safe environment at our
excellent facilities in Rathcormac.
Qualified coaches provide excellent training sessions. If you are
interested why not come along and have a go. To find out more contact
Liam Barry (087-6893829) or Pat Culloty (087-2986625)
Clothes Collection
Thanks to everyone who supported on clothes collection last Friday.
Next clothes collection Friday the 3rd of March, from 7.30 p.m. to
8.00 p.m. at Rathcormac Community Hall (garage to rear).
Bride Rovers Ladies sponsored by Spar Rathcormac
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @Roversgaa
Photo Caption Ciara O'Sullivan makes presentation to Kathleen Kearney who was a Cork U21 & Cork U17 Development Selector in 2016.