County Convention this Sunday and Draws for Senior Hurling Championship...
This coming Sunday nearly 400 delegates will attend the Cork County Board Convention in Nemo Rangers Complex South Douglas Road, to review the years activities in the county.
The big interest will come later in the day around 5.30pm when the draws for the County Championship’s will be made, for the fourteenth consecutive year our name will be in draw for the Cork County Senior Hurling Championship. After some great performances in 2016 we can look forward with confidence to this draw and make plans for 2017, where the team will once again be under the guidance of Joe Delaney Daniel Lane and William O Leary.
East Cork Convention.
For the first time ever the Imokilly divisional Convention took place in Gortroe home of St Itas club on last Thursday night. All the officers’ reports were presented and adopted. Brendan O Driscoll represented the club.
St Colman’s
St Colman’s great season came to an end in Clonmel last Sunday,but what a great run they had and are to be complimented on a another great performance and just went under by 3 points. After a close first half with the sides level on several occasions, St Colman’s led at half time 1-9 to 1-7.A goal by St Kieran’s on the 37th minute seemed to ignite the whole team but a few frees pegged them back to level scores on the 42 minute but the last fifteen minutes belonged to St Kieran’s and they edged home by three points 2-12 to 1-12. Well done to all involved and especially our boys on the team led by the Roche Brothers. We are all very grateful for the enjoyment this team brought to the clubs involved and we are certain to see much of the boys in club and college action over the next few years.
Cork GAA Members Draw
The Bride Rovers Club will host the December Draw in Rathcormac Hall on Thursday December the 15th @8.30pm. This will be special occasion for the Club and the Draw Committee. The club has increased its numbers considerably and this is an occasion to come and see the draw live. Refreshments will be served on the night and also a special Christmas raffle for those in attendance.
Membership Fees 2017
Players €100
Non Player adult membership €50
OAP membership €20.
Gym Membership €100.
All Membership and Gym Fees can be paid to the Club Treasurer Dan Quill or any Executive Committee Member.
Club Lotto:
The Jackpot for Tuesday November 29th was €6600
Numbers drawn were 4 11 13 19 No winner,The €30 lucky dips went to Tom Mulcahy Clykeel,Ella Barry Knocknaboola, Mai Browne Rathnoeigue, David Murphy c/o Laya, John Leo c/o Laya
All club activities are posted on the club website and you can follow the Club on twitter at twitter@ BrideRoversGAA
Any news items or general items of interest are very welcome for inclusion and can be sent to Gerard Lane email gerardlanegaa@gmail.com
Community Employment Vacancies
There are two vacancies on the Dept of Social Protection Community Employment Scheme sponsored by Bride Rovers GAA Club. Successful applicants will be required to work nineteen and a half hours each week. The work entails maintenance and upkeep of the Club's pitches and other facilities. Enquiries please telephone 086 3009107.
Boot Sale
The final boot sale of 2016 takes place this Sunday and the usual help would be appreciated.
Astro Turf Booking
All bookings of the two Astro Turf playing areas are to be made by contacting the Club Runai Daniel Lane at 087-2070100.
Dates to Remember
Dec 6th Club Lotto
Dec 11th; Cork GAA Convention Nemo Rangers Complex
Dec 11th Car Boot Sale Dec 15th Cork GAA draw 8.30pm Rathcormac Hall
Club Sponsors:
Rathcormac Tyres
Fermoy Print & Design
Veolia Environmental Services.