Cork Camogie..
Congratulations to Jennifer Barry & the Cork Intermediate Camogie team who have qualified for the All-Ireland Final v Kilkenny on September 11th following a close fought victory over Laois on Saturday last in Nenagh. Final score: Cork 0-19 Laois 2-06. Rachel O'Callaghan is also on the Cork Camogie panel but is injured at the moment, everyone in the club wishes her a speedy recovery. Pictured Jim Bob O Donovan & Jennifer Barry
Coaching Course
Bride Rovers ladies Football club will hold a coaching course on Friday 26th August in the GAA Pitch from 7pm til 9.30pm with Nora Aherne. This course should be of interest to both coaches and parents and will give people the confidence to get involved in coaching. Everyone is welcome. To reserve a place please contact club secretary Meeks Carr 087 9283587 or email brideroversladies@hotmail.com
U12 Girls "Cake Sale"
Our U12 camogie girls following on from successful blitz in Thurles & Croke Park will be returning to Croke Park on All-Ireland Day on September 11th. The camogie association have extended an invitation to the team to attend the All-Ireland Finals and with Cork in both the Intermediate & Senior Final it should be a great day out. To offset the cost of the trip the Girls will be holding a "Cake Sale" on Sunday 4th September in Rathcormac Hall. Your support for this is appreciated.
Leaving Cert Students
A huge congratulations to all our leaving cert students who done so well. We wish you all the best in your various college courses.
Clothes Collection
Many thanks to everyone for their continued support of our monthly clothes collection.
The clothes go to the National Council for the blind who sort the clothes in their depot in Kildare before distributing the stock amongst their many stores around the country. So your old clothes, handbags, shoes are benefiting both the Bride Rovers Club but also the National Council for the Blind.
Next clothes collection Friday the 2nd of September, 2016 7.30 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. at Rathcormac Community Hall (garage to rear).