Busy Weekend Coming Up.
Football Championship and Senior Hurling league games on Saturday and Sunday means it will be a busy weekend on the playing front.
Due to a change of East Cork fixtures last weekend our Junior A Grade Football championship game v Fr O Neills did not go ahead. The game has now been rescheduled for this coming Saturday March 26th. No venue has been confirmed at the time of writing. Fr O Neills are the 2015 East Cork JAFC winners and will provide very tough opposition. Best of luck lads, go for it.
On Sunday, Easter Sunday we play the County Champions Glen Rovers in the REDFM County Senior Hurling League. Both ourselves and Glen Rovers have played two games in the SHL to date and both have two wins so this should be an interesting game.
This weekend of course is Easter weekend a century since the 1916 Easter Rising and we are planning to have a short commemorative ceremony on Sunday to mark this very special event in the history of our country. The game on Sunday in Pairc na Bride is timed for 12.15 and we will have a reading of the 1916 Proclamation and raising of our National Flag ,the Tricolour, before the commencement of the match. We are also producing a special Souvenir programme for the game so do please come along on this special occasion.
The Weekly Club Lotto Draw for Tuesday March the 8th had a jackpot of €2800. The four numbers drawn were 16,19,21 and 23 and there was no winner. The winners of €30 each were Mike Desmond Bartlemy, Cathal O Callaghan c/o LAYA, Catherine O Connell c/o D. Lane, Eily Pyne , Anne Cahill
Tickets for the weekly draw are just €2 each and can be bought in local businesses and from Club Members or online at locallotto.ie Your ongoing support for the Weekly Lotto is deeply appreciated by the Bride Rovers Club.
Thanks to all who supported the Sports Prediction Quiz the tickets for which were on sale for the last few weeks. With the Cheltenham Racing Festival just gone last week all our punters were looking for a favourable outcome for the Irish runners and riders as the Quiz Prediction 'first leg' is underway. Best of luck to all who supported this Club Fundraiser.
April 3rd MHL V Ballinora, away.
April 6th MFL V Kiltha Og, home
April 7th MHL v Youghal, home.
Astro Turf
Our Astro Turf facility is proving very popular at the moment and some slots are still available. The schedule is on the Club websitewww.briderovers.ie
Anyone wishing to book, change or cancel their slot, please contact Daniel Lane 087 2070100 or James Bermingham 086 8350741. The Main Pitch is Closed at present until further notice because of the adverse weather.
Membership Fees for 2016.
Club Membership Fees for the 2016 season are now due. The fee for Adult Players is €100. For Student Players and non playing ordinary Club members the fee is €50. For OAP's the fee is €20. Membership Fees can be paid to the Club Treasurer or any Club Officer or Team mentors. If anyone wants to pay the membership fee in two instalments or more arrangements can be made to facilitate this.
Twitter and Website.
So many people at home and abroad are now very hi-tech when it comes to keeping in touch with the activities of the Bride Rovers Club. The online editions of newspapers are growing in popularity. Meanwhile you can follow the Club on twitter at twitter@ BrideRoversGAA or on our own website at www.briderovers.ie
Any news items or general items of interest are very welcome for inclusion and can be sent to Gerard Lane.
Well done to Jonathon Brackett and his 'Take 5' Drama Colleagues who have qualified for the All Ireland Confined Final with their wonderful play 'Children of A Lesser God'. Jonathon has been a regular Scor participant with Bride Rovers winning three East Cork and two County Titles in the Novelty/Leiriu Section.